I had no money to give to charities and poor and help in any way but promised several times if I had a job I would do but nothing such happened.

Let no one be like me making false promises especially to the poor who work hard and have no shelter or facility to live but are still living to see hope in the near future and let them feel that they have some good support though they are poor and not being taken care of. Other class of people can struggle to come up, but the poor are always on the street side and not able to come up at least to have some good shelter and basic facilities or enough money to stand on their own. They are poor by statistics but their work such as barber, carpenter, sanitation worker, garbage collector, servant, driver is the backbone of every working individual and also backbone of our lives without them we cannot do ourselves those work done by some people especially the sanitation or the garbage work. They have to be given immediate support and help because of the extreme climatic conditions prevailing and also their standard of living. more  

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Unfortunately, this concern is accompanied by several ills. Prosperous islands, meaning wealthy individuals, are seen within these oceans of distress. Inequality breeds exploitation. There there remains the climate change concern from which the most affected are the poor. Can't see the wealth flowing their way, unless the government fulfils her welfare role which includes equitable development. more  
The number of acutely hungry worldwide is increasing as fuel and food prices soar. For example, as far as fuel is concerned, the power utility CESC finds an inordinate strain on their balance sheet at a time when costs have shot through the roof. The company, which serves more than 3.5 million consumers in Kolkata and adjoining areas, said the cost of coal, the primary raw material for the thermal power units, has risen in the wake of Russia-Ukraine war and due to supply-demand mismatch. As far as food security is concerned, a record 345million acutely hungry people are marching to the brink of starvation, according to the head of UN World Food program. This represents 24% rise from 276 million at beginning of 2022. In early 2020, before COVID-19 pandemic, the figure was 135 million. There is a real danger - it will climb even higher in the months ahead. The issues with food supplies are particularly severe in Africa and the Middle East. The challenges to ending hunger and malnutrition are growing and is due to (i) uneven recovery following COVID-19 pandemic, (ii) the consequences of climate change and (iii) armed conflicts. The war in Ukraine has had severe impacts on global food security after supply chains were already under pressure due to COVID-19 pandemic. UN calls for new funding for humanitarian groups to deal with `skyrocketing levels of hunger' for governments to resist protectionsist measures and investments to aid the world's poorest countries. The war in Ukraine has such a disastarious global impact today. more  
Agree. Poverty visible, here, there, everywhere, more so as a consequence of the lockdown. Lockdown during covid in pushed 230 million into poverty. On the roads, I saw 10 such sights today, at least. Pollution affects such people, while the affluent may stay indoors. Climate change too causing this. No matter what governments say but this remains a stark reality. People are willing to work, as janitors, barber, carpenter, sanitation worker, garbage collector, servant, but what can they do when, giving the reason of saving their lives, government imposes lockdown. Rich have their buffers. Not so for the poor. Shutting down schools also led the double whammy, wherein the beneficiaries from right to education also had their daily mid-day meals denied. Nobody wants charity, when they with their dignity, are working. Our public deserve all the respect. Bad welfarism, siting saving life as alibi, imposing such impositions. more  
Sir funds are required and if at all funds were sufficient all parties would have done and where will these funds come from and it is very difficult to fulfill all promises as the cost to the center will be a burden as it is many issues to take over and the recent flood situation is Jammu, Andhra, Maharastra etc also should be taken care, once some funds are alloted some critical natural calamities are taking place and not allowing for development and progress, so fund utilization and fund collections should be looked into. more  
Interpretations of such statements can be many; it's therefore not easy to decide where to "position the truth/reality".... more  
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