Can Education & Earning Opportunities urged

Lack of Opportunities for Education & Earning increasing paucity making majority Strive and Starve still . This Alarming situation identified in 2011 Statistics need to be redressed in terms of the below legitimate provisions .
1.The Preamble of our Constitution guaranteed JUSTICE , Social , economic and politics but the Rulers in the Country exercised their right acquiring estates , managements and corporations of the Citizen under article 31 A , since 1951 Lands &Landed properties of rich under article 39 –b & c for equalizing land holdings and to help the poor with sustained Cultivation and Agricultural produces AND ON THE OTHER HAND did not care to provide the education and earning opportunities directed in the Constitution to lead life under the Constitutional guarantee .
On Citizen protest , the S.C. ordered that “ the Preamble of the Constitution promises and the directive principles are mandate to the State to eradicate poverty so that the poor of this country can ENJOY THE RIGHT TO LIFE GUARANTEED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION “ [ AIR 1992 SC 1858 ].
But the S.C. did not direct and the Government did not amend the article 37 and resultantly the provisions of education and social status of article 15 [4] and 46 were not carried since after 1995 too to poor and general public though the S.C. in several cases defined that these are Fundamental under article 21 & 14 . THIS IS INJUSTICE AND AGEINST THE GUARANTEE CONTEMPLATED IN THE PREAMBLE .
AIR 1978 SC – 1461 the court observed that “ Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are meant to supplement one another . It can well be said that the directive principles prescribed the goal to be attained and the fundamental rights lay down the means by which that goal is to be achieved .“ ]
AIR 1986 SC – 847 : The court said that ‘ It is thus well established by the decisions of this Court that the provisions of Parts III and IV are supplementary and complementary to each other and that fundamental rights are but a means to achieve the goal indicated in part IV . It also held that the fundamental rights must be construed in the light of the directive principles “
[{1993} 1 – SCC 645 also confirms the same and added “ A restriction which promotes any objective embodied in the directive Principles is usually considered reasonable in courts of Law “ ]
[ AIR 1983 SC -98 defines “ While Part III contains negative injunctions to the State not to do various things . Part IV contains positive commands to the State to promote what may be called a social and welfare State . “ ]
[ AIR 1983 SC – 624 declared that “ the Courts have the responsibility to interpret the provisions of the Constitution in such a way so as to ensure the implementations of the directive Principles and to harmonize the social objectives underlying the directives with the individual rights. This is the mandate of the Constitution not to the Legislature and the Executive only , but to the Courts as well . }
[ { 1996} 3 SCC – 212 the court said “ If the court finds that the Government or authorities concerned have not taken the action required of them by law and this has resulted in violation of the right to life of the citizens, it will be the duty of the Court to intervene . ]
[ AIR 1983 SC – 339 declared that “ No State had the right to tell its citizens that because a large number of cases of the rich are pending in our courts we will not help the poor to come to the courts for seeking justice until the staggering load of cases of people who can afford rich lawyers is disposed off “ ]
2. The Governments did not implement the Article 45 which was purposed for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 years . This has resulted in multiplied poverty and indeed Majority of Children in general were deprived of their right of education .
This also had worsened their Life and life-lead in the Majority Families . The Statistics of Children below 14 age and the Government Elementary Schools / free education prove the immoral loss to the Children in India amidst the additional 4 articles specified the importance of education . THIS IS THE GROSS INJUSTICE IN THE NATION IF ARTICLE 51 A which was adopted in 1977 after second fight against government for the rights of suppressed Citizen .
This Article had to be given weight through AIR 1992 SC 1926 emphacising Children education , hygiene and reasonable brought-up so they take deep roots at maturity ; BUT STILL THE INJUSTICE HAS BEEN CARRIED WILFULLY CHALLENGING THE CONSTITUTIONAL IMPORTANCE IN THE RULE .
Elementary Education is only the essential provision to Live working even as an unskilled labour defending from misuse through various means and is the bare minimum under the mandate of Life in article 21 . Neglect of Rule for this fundamental provision is not only anti national but also a SIN .
3. The Ruling Executive neglecting their responsibility even from 1995 under article 41 , 15[4], and 46 privatized the Education without mandating Fee at par with Government Schools resulted in acute poverty in the general public besides long carried illiteracy in majority of Rural India . Education in Intermediate and Graduation is only factor for Earning Capabilities to lead their Families under article 21 without which the Country too cannot sustain Stable Economy. THIS IS AN ADDED AND SECOND INJUSTICE and against to objective of the Constitution defined by S.C. too .
“ National interest would suffer if qualified and competent students were excluded from admission in institutions of higher education .”
“ The qualifications prescribed may , beside mental excellence , include physical fitness, sense of discipline , moral integrity, loyalty to the State “ needs Education upto Graduation .
“ Merit consists of a high degree of intelligence coupled with a keen and incisive mind, sound knowledge of the basic subjects and infinite capacity for hard work and also calls for a sense of social commitment and dedication to the cause of the poor “ [ { 1984 } 3 SCC 654 ] .
These 3 quotations supports the need of Free and Aided Education to those Educationally and Economically poor which now score beyond 46% [ may be ].
4. The Rule in the first 4 decades ended with serious challenges to the society and Social Justice in the Families in the Country amidst the Polygamy , Religious conversion other than at the Religious Belief for Pray , follow and practice thus by crossing the ethics and concept of article 25 .
The neglected implementation of article 44 for rendering Uniform Civil Laws at the concept of Equal application of Law under article 14 for carrying JUSTICE in the and to the Society under the guaranteed provision of the Preamble , was finally confined by the S.C. and the then Executive of 1995 was directed to work for implementation of article 44 , the Uniform Civil Code explaining its deep concern and losses, injustice , insecurity sustained by several Women and Children of India . [ { 1995 } 3 SCC – 635 ] . The situations of deprived Children under the circumstances fall in article 44 have been deprived off Education and Earning for livelihood .
But, the continued Rulers of the Country did not care even their fundamental duty of extending the guarantee of the Preamble for Social Justice . THIS IS THE 4th INJUSTICE TO THE CITIZEN OF INDIA PARTICULARLY THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN amidst specially provided additional articles like 41 etc., and various Supreme Court Judgments enlightening mandatory concept of Directive Principles of State Policy read with guarantee resolved in the Preamble .
5. Our Constituent Assembly recognized India as an Agricultural based Territory having majority of uneducated Citizen and guarded under article 48 with different directions including maintenance of Water and Drainage , Cows and Calves restricting the use of Alcoholic Liquors that are harmful for the health and strengths of the people in general . The Ministry of Animal Husbandry also could not make provisions suitable to the cultivating owners .
Our Article 39 –b & c ; read with article 31 A provided the means to strength the Agricultural Activity and help this majority people sustain living capabilities with sufficient land and the Governments which had limited the abnormal Lands beyond reasonable requirement in general through various Land Ceiling Acts both Rural and Urban but , could not fulfil the objective of these Acts amidst dishonest individuals those stopped disclosure of Excessive Lands HELD OVER THE CEILING LIMITS . The Governments failed in conducting Resurvey and Settlement of these lands as well as the grabbed and unlawfully acquired lands even after 2011 . This has resulted in creased poverty among the majority of the people those are striving and even starving while there have been large extents of lands held in lakhs of acres depriving the legitimate rights of innocent public . THIS IS ALSO ANOTHER INJUSTICE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF THE NATION KNOWINGLY NEGLECTED AND IS IN DEED SELFISH AND ANTI NATIONAL TOO .
In this connection , it is necessary for the National Authorities of Environment and Greenery to think , discuss and conclude the supporting issues for increasing the Agricultural areas with extended and interconnected Rivers & Reservoirs , Streams ; as well as increase of Industrial areas particularly Power Generating Projects , Fertilizers and Pesticides FOR THE REQUISITE AGRICULTURAL NEEDS IN TERMS OF THE INCREASE IN THE POPULATION with advanced forethought . It is true that Agriculturists have been continuously suffering both with lack of waters as well as Floods that could have been redressed with interconnections , new formations at best and could have definitely be away from these obstacles .
6. The Preamble guarantee of JUSTICE , Social & education besides article 14 for Equality before law or the equal protection of the laws , 15 {4} for advancement of socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for SC/ST , 41 for securing right to work , education and public assistance in case of unemployment , 45 for free and compulsory education upto 14 years of age , 46 for special care on the educational and economic interests of weaker sections of the people particularly SC/ST from social injustice , 51 {e} the dignity of women [f] preserve rich heritage of our composite culture , {h} humanism [j] higher levels of endeavour and achievement .
In this connection , a responsible reference is that “ Article 51- A envisages some of the basic duties which the budding students need to be inculcated and imbibed . They should be sowed in the respective minds in their formation periods so that they take deep roots at maturity AIR 1992 SC 1926 .
Thus , 2 + 4 = 6 Articles of the constitution were addressed with the importance of Women and Children for their growing age till maturity of mind with the requisite needs of Justice in the Society , Education and Economic capabilities in Life and to Live with the basic provisions of article 21 and 14 , the right to Life and Equality and Equal Opportunity .
There were many Supreme Court Judgments and Directions in 1970s & 80s where the Judges specified the fundamental concept of the preamble and the Directive Principles of Rule making both mandatory under the Constitution and more acutely directed the then Governments in 1992-93 on unjustified carry of Reservations on Caste Base depriving the poorest of the poor and that this injustice is to be eradicated applying a Creamy layer while the Indian Executive set aside even the Expert Body Report of Justice Ram Nandan of March 93 which has resulted in untalented Teaching Staff in Schools and some Colleges which has been compelling the Citizen to fall in the clutches of Money Lenders and Monopoly of Private Educational Institutions . This Ruling Executive in 1995 set aside the Directions of Supreme Court for working out the implementation of Uniform Civil Code at the interest of the Women and Children in India where by the Family set-up of India getting Challenged for its Safe, Secured carry of morality and Justice .
“ {5} The Supreme Court has no time to decide cases pending before it for the last 10 to 15 years , with the present strength of Judges and will take more than 15 years to dispose of pending cases . “
The multiplied cases pending as at 2014 i.e., after the further period of 27 years from the above S.C. Directions , OBVIOUSLY PROVE THE UNDEMOCRATIC POLICY AND SELFISH OBJECTIVES OF THE RULING POLITICAL PARTIES and there is absolute need for the Marshals’ Rule for a Ten years Term to implement the Constitutional Provisions to the People of India . [ The Central Government’ s using Article 249 also limits operation of their order for an year which needs to be extended for an another year AND IS NOT FULLY FRUITFUL UNDETR THE PRESENT POLITICAL FARE IN THE COUNTRY . ] more  

It can certainly be Urges as PIL - even as writ - with specific and relevant details so to seek the Orders and Directions to the effect. more  
In the constituent Assembly Dr. Ambedkar stated that “ While we have established political democracy, it is also the desire that we should lay down as our ideal economic democracy ; there are those who believe in individualism as the best form of economic democracy ; there are those who believe in having a socialistic State as the best form of economic democracy ; there are those believe in the communistic idea as the most perfect form of economic democracy. “ “ What I have said just now that our object in framing the Constitution is really two-fold {1} to lay down the form of political democracy and {2} to lay down that our ideal is economic democracy and also to prescribe that every government whatsoever is in power, shall strive to bring about economic democracy “ Thus, Dr. Ambedkar repeated the word ‘ economic democracy ‘ multiple times highlighting the very provision of sufficiency in economy for survival of people of the nation under article 21 . Without education, earning opportunities , shared/distributed economy curtailing wealth concentration , there cannot be any meaning for the goal of the Constitution so adopted with article 21, 39, 41, 45, 46, 47 and 48 making amendments necessary at Articles 15[4] , 16 [4] , 31 and adding 43 A . more  
Reforms are indeed intended for creating jobs, wealth and financial strength. Academia, youth and entrepreneurs will have to galvanize in to action. Job opportunities may not be served on a silver platter any more to the traditional programs and "business-as-usual" type institutions . Jobs are available in emerging technologies beyond existing curriculum to support digital world and compete to share the global value chain more  
Resultant to thousands of Promotions with Fake Certificates, S.C. today ordered for non recognition of External/Postal Education Certificates for Promotions . The Governments' rule that also identified above SEVEN thousand Law Certificates being Fake pertaining to Private Law Colleges of North India and the present finding of thousands of job Promotions as Officers in Governments IS REALLY AN DISGUSTING ISSUE WHILE THE VERY EDUCATION TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC WAS GROSSLY NEGLECTED SINCE 1995 .
There is need to at least help Indian Children Education as also confined and deliberated by the honourable President of India in 2013 in his Independence day speech specifically mentioning the Elementary , Intermediate and , University Education . more  
True. 1. Technologies through ICRISAT, enlightening programs through Radio , monthly magazines indeed resulted in increase of Earning Opportunities through Agricultural Farming with increase in Cattle Farms, Fisheries, Poultry Farms, Fertilizers & Pesticides but , have been since after 95 went into the hands of Wealthy in concentrated landscapes in addition to those on Tenancy which had indeed deprived the Earning Opportunities of majority Poor .
The Banks Nationalization though concluded with the great object of creating Self Employment was also diluted and even set aside which helped only for 2 decades .
This area which indeed is the only opportunity of Earning by the large illiterates with the Benefits of Land Ceiling for distribution to Poor, since diluted in execution and carry with set political interest allowing lakhs of acres in the hands of thousands , grossly deprived the majority of the poor still Strive and is the GROSS INJUSTICE AT ARTICLE 21 .

2. The ECIL, IDPL, ALWIN INDUSTRIES, etc., were allowed for great misuse diversifying their activities to other Private Businessmen/ Professionals . BHEL, BHPV, DMRL, DLRL, DRDC, NMDC, MMTC, like institutions were also diluted from their objectives of Research and Industrial Development activities since after 95 .

Otherwise , there could have been best uplift of Industrial Promotion even after 95 in majority of States resolving Earning opportunities .

3. Since after 90s, Indian unemployed and Unskilled, Semiskilled also were set for service abroad grossly neglecting the improvement of OPPORTUNITIES within . The continuance of Industrialism was suspended since after 1990 ignoring the issue of reviving the Sick Units with Working Capital Assistance at times of need .
The governments even set a full stop for their ITCOs, SFCs, IDCs, thus diversified towards Indirect Foreign Business through Imports whereby the Earning Opportunities int he Industrial Sector also set for a gross downfall .
The Governments also could not set right the Strikes, Tooldown/ Pendown Strikes etc., of Trade-Unionism that has till 90s resulted in closure of Thousands of Small Scale, Hundreds of Medium and Large Scale Units while some Units could lead even with accrued losses years together in Sickness .

4. Elementary and Basic Education was also set diversified to Private Sector depriving the Citizen from Compulsory provision of article 45 since 1990s while the Aided Education also was set off for getting knowledge and capabilities to work and Earn and thus article 46 also was set of at Private Interest .

The Volume of Lakhs of Crores being diversified through PDS system ; the Volume of Lakhs of Crores left out for Smuggling of Forest produce ; the Volume of lakhs of Crores set in the practice of Misuse , Mis-allocation of National Natural Land Treasures like Minerals, Metals and Mines ; The Thousands of Crores allowed under Hawala & Money Laundering ; The Lakhs of Crores allowed under Money Laundering , Quid-prokho arrangements ;;;; IF DIVERTED TO EDUCATIONAL SECTOR , ALL THE STATES COULD HAVE FULFILLED THEIR DUTIES UNDER THE CONSTITUTIONAL Articles like 15[4], 45, 46 and , even 48

5 If we think on these lines, there could be the JUSTIFIED SUCCESS IN THESE TWO PRIME ISSUES please . more  
I am not really sure if anyone will have patience enough to read this entire post. My simple answer to our education policy is, we intentionally and willfully want to keep education a difficult nut to be cracked (out of reach) just because, we are unable to give employment to qualified youth of present and don't want another army of qualified unemployed youth. more  
Education is a must to become Civilized in the Society while Earning Opportunity could be from Land Treasure and there is need to curb the loots through Businessing with these . more  
This is the prime need as otherwise be the NEVER LASTING SIN in terms of Holy Upanishads and Universal befits represented here under . The issue of Universe & Living Beings is envisaged in the Sanaatana Dharma , more practiced and followed in Hinduism and is unique and quiet with best enriched natural justice and within the uniform norms for all for a fortified prolific and best assured /secured Human life lead . The basic concept is the Universe which has the best and never lasting natural phenomena and glimpses of nature which is for all and forever . The directive concept is eternal and natural . A.1. From Sky there is Vaayu i.e., Air/Wind/Breeze 2. There is Agni in Vaayu i;e., Heat that fires 3. Agni/Fire shines with Aapa i;e., jal/Water 4. Water/Aapa/Jal consists/sustains Earth/Pridhivi 5. Earth/Pridhivi prevails Aushadhs with Trees,Herbs & Sherbs in Vana/ Forests 6. Aushadhs i;e., eatables from above gives Food 7. Food is the base for Survival of Life 8. Living beings lead life because of Food 9. Food is produce of Universe/Brahma 10. Food to be prepared with many for many 11. This is to be the practice 12. Food is the Soul and Soul sustains with Food only 13. Soul is planted in Body & Body is endowed with Soul 14. Soul requires Food & Food maintains the Body 15. Apah/Jal/Water is sustained with Jyothi/ the light 16. Every day ends with Annapaana/ Food & Water for all living beings with all these 16 of A. B. 1. Eyes, Ears, Mind and Talk/Speak exists in all living beings to acquire and share these 16 of A . 2. All living beings require Aachaarya/ Guru/ A Director/pathfinder to identify, locate and educate as how to acquire and share these 16 of A 3. To Live and lead, there will be Mother, Father, Guru and Atidhi i.e., the Guest [ as many guests on possess sin life that much will be the share in the life lead i.e., the Society/ Co-beings { no living being can live alone} and is the Natural and Moral phenomena ] 4. Speak the truth . Follow Dharma, the human morals 5. Give/ Share with others sincerely at moral and social binding and never give, leave with disinterested and insincere heart . 6. All living beings are living only because of the Aaditya/ Sun/ Surya 7. All Substances of Light/ Bright are shining because of Aaditya the Sun 8. Earth, Universe, Four Sides and 4 corners between Four sides are with Agni/ Heat, Vaayu/ Wind, Aaditya/ Sun, Moon and Stars and are the parts of Brahma, the Almighty 9. Tapas/ Thinking/ Working creates interest to know Brahma, the Universe 10. Tapas/ Thinking & Working Links the Mind and Mind catches the Origin 11. Mind alone can satisfy any thing and every thing that the Eyes, Ears, Nose, Thirst and the Want that aspired through Brain 12. Mind itself is the Brahma/ the Almighty and Brahma/ Almighty/ Universe becomes the Mind . 13. Others than the Gods are innocents/ illiterates 14. Vijnaanam/ Skill of Subject/ I.Q. is the Yajna/ Sacrament and this showers on knowing the Substance of Brahma/ the Divinity of Subject 15. All Beings living with the Knowledge they possess. And so, Education from Guru and knowledge through Subjects made the Human Beings Live sharing the befits of the Universe with Co-beings . 16. Human Beings and Animals have the quality of understanding 17. Universe/ Brahma/ Almighty is helping to know and the Knowledge Skills & Tapas/ Thinking / Understanding, Working are helping making the Universe/ Brahma to be known as deep as one try and in the route and subject he tries 18. Thus, Brahmam/ Universe is Anantam/ unknown forever fully C. 1. These two Virtues , A & B which are the Basic Provisions, ingredients are the natural easements for every human being to live and let live co-beings thus lies as Universal factors endowed with Natural Rights of Life . Since the issue of Knowledge, Cleverness, Art of Knowing, Education are Compulsory and must to live and let live was anciently existed and provided at the Free and Aided through the process of Aachaarya/ Guru/ Preacher and Teacher fundamentally endowed with the Nature’ s gifts and those that earn lots in excess of sufficiency as well as those arose as leaders and rulers 2. Hence only Education under Indian Constitution was placed with Article 45 for Free and 46, 15 [4] , and 41 with sufficiently Aided . 3. hence only Article 39 –b & c were taken place of Directives of Rule 4. Hence only the Article 51 A and the Supreme Court of India confined positively on the issue of knowledge and merit in several instances . 5. The Fundamental and Prime preference given to JUSTICE, Social, Economic, Political is only with the Universal concept of Natural Justice with Facts of Part A submitted above . 6. So , thus, Free and Aided Education and Earning Opportunities becomes absolutely Basic and Fundamental Right of Human Beings AND shall not be set aside or ignored . more  
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