Diabetes- Preventive Tips

Diabetes is a serious disease and the number of people affected with it has skyrocketed in the last couple of years.

If you think diabetes affects only elderly people then think again. By adopting few simple tips, you can turn off the diabetes clock.

Diabetes prevention tip # 1: Know about diabetes

Before beginning the diabetes prevention act, it is important to know what is exactly diabetes. Once you are well acquainted with this disease, you can start your prevention therapy easily.

Diabetes prevention tip # 2: Reduce your portion size

Reduce the amount of food you eat, each day. Instead, of having one cup of fruit every day, try having half a cup of fruits, or you can also drink a glass of water every day before beginning your meal, this will make you less hungry and you will avoid over eating.

Diabetes prevention tip # 3: Get physically active

If you acquire the habit of exercises daily, it will benefit you in many ways. Exercising daily helps to maintain a healthy weight, lowers blood sugar level and boosts your sensitivity to insulin. Thus, exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes daily to keep your blood sugar level in normal range.

Diabetes prevention tip# 4: Lose weight

If you think, your excessive weight is making you closer to the risk of diabetes than, slash some kilos in a healthy way. Shedding even 10 pounds can significantly drop your diabetes risk drastically.

Diabetes prevention tip # 5: Add lots of whole grain in your diet

Count your carbohydrate intake and switch to whole grain diet, to reduce your risk of diabetes. Including whole grain, products in your diet not only help to prevent diabetes but also slow down your carbohydrate absorption in the body.

Diabetes prevention tip# 6: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

No matter how full you are, always make a habit of eating a healthy breakfast every day, as it helps to reduce your risk of getting diabetes. Eating a healthy breakfast not only helps to control your appetite but also helps to control your calorie consumption in the rest of the day, by keeping you full and thus prevents weight gain.

Diabetes prevention tip# 7: Avoid fatty foods

Junk food and other streets foods are high in saturated fat, which can raise your bad cholesterol level in your body. This in turn can also affect the blood sugar level in your body. Thus, avoid junk food and other fat filled foods that tempt you always

# 8: Avoid sugary drinks

If you are thirsty, then quench your thirst with water or milk rather than purchasing sodas, soft drinks or any other flavored water. All these sweetened beverages are sources of invisible sugar, which can spike your blood sugar level.

Diabetes prevention tip # 9: Choose healthy snacks

If you can bear your evening stomach growls, then treat your tummy with a bowl of healthy salad rather than a pizza. Besides severe your salad with less toppings and low-fat cheese or mayonnaise.

Diabetes prevention tip # 10: Eat many veggies

Meat is yummy, but it shouldn't be eaten every day, as it raises your risk to diabetes. Thus, ditch that meat and add color to your life by having lots of veggies every day. They will help to load your body with nutrients and prevent you from diabetes.

Diabetes prevention tip # 11: Stay stress-free

Excessive stress can raise your blood sugar level. Thus, reduce your stress level by practicing yoga, meditation or breathing exercise.

Diabetes prevention tip # 12: Sleep well

Getting at least six hours of good night sleep is very essential to keep diabetes at bay. Lack of sleep can spike hormone cortisol in your body, which can raise your insulin level and cause blood sugar imbalance. Besides, improper sleep can also make your appetite regulating hormones mad.

Diabetes prevention tip # 13: Load up on fibre

Adding fibre rich foods to your diet helps to smoothen your digestive system and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. Thus, add at least 25-30 grams of fibre to your diet, to regulate your blood sugar level.

Diabetes prevention tip # 14: Drink lots of water

Drinking sufficient amount of water everyday will help to mobilise the sugar content in the blood. Water also helps to regulate proper functioning of the body and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Diabetes prevention tip # 15: Get some health test

Most of the diabetes symptoms are silent, thus to avoid the risk of diabetes, do a routine health check up. A health check-up, will help to diagnose pre-diabetes symptoms, and prevent it from getting worse.

Diabetes prevention tip # 16: Soak in the sun

According to a research conducted by Loyola University Chicago, sufficient intake of vitamin D through early morning sunshine helps to increase insulin sensitivity and secretion in the body, which plays a major role in preventing the onset of diabetes.

Diabetes prevention tip # 17: Avoid diabetes with spices

According to a German research, adding spices to your diet especially cinnamon helps to activate the enzymes in your body, which helps to stimulate insulin receptor. Besides, it also helps to lower down cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing cholesterol, thus, spice up your diet with cinnamon.

Diabetes prevention tip # 18: Soy is good for you

Soy is one of the best foods to prevent diabetes among patients. The isoflavones contained in them helps to reduce the sugar content in blood, while accumulating much fewer calories, as compared to other food items. So eat a diet filled with soy, to avoid diabetes.

Diabetes prevention tip # 19: Drink green tea

Drinking green tea every day will help your body to get rid of free radicals. Besides, the antioxidants present in it will help to normalise the blood sugar level and keep diabetes at bay.

Diabetes prevention tip # 20: Quit smoking

Smoking increases chances of diabetes, since it begins to affect hormonal secretions in the long run. Thus, give up your smoke to keep diabetes away. more  

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Dear Saumya thanks for your tips,one can ward off this killer disease by adopting all given preventive steps but it is very difficult to obey all these,i can suggest ,any sufferer or those who want to take precaution against this disease,chemical free & scientifically proven health food that not only prevent diabetes but can prevent lots of other health problem like digestion,obesity,pain,loss of stamina,blockage of veins (heart & whole body)pls send ur quety to sm009us@gmail.com Thanks more  
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