Myth or Truth?

After my eye cataract operations.....the second was done two years after the first one......both my ophthalmologists told me I could go about my daily routines straightaway, without any reservations. For example, I could alight a plane and fly off on holidays, could swim, could run, job and sprint, could play cricket, football or golf etc. etc.

Advised precautions were, firstly, to strictly follow the eyedrops medication schedule and, secondly, to wear sunglasses when out in the sunshine.

After the first cataract operation I followed the doctors advice and went about my routine activities.....walking, jogging, sports etc. etc.

The second operation took place two years later. After that I took a six-week break from physical and sporting activities.

Five years later I feel that the vision of the eye of first cataract operation is not as sharp as of the second eye.

Could someone please throw some light on "what's right and what's not-right?" Thanks! more  

While he must be enjoying post-cataract-surgery vision in both of his eyes, it seems a bit odd to know that Mr. Satya Pal Ratti is worried about the minor difference between the visual acuities of the two post-operative vision depends on several factors, discussion of the details of which is beyond the scope of this platform. However, I'm sure that if overall health of the eye in which there is lack of sharp vision, improvement can be effected with the help of appropriate glasses. But, even more important is the fact that normally, no ophthalmologist will advise a cataract patient to go for swimming immediately after having undergone surgery. Except for avoiding the operated eye to come in contact with tap water preferably for a month, and wearing sunglasses outdoors, practically no precaution needs to be observed. more  
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