Chennai Police 0 000
Chennai Police
2.34 / 5 32 Reviews
Chennai Police Headquarters, Chennai, India 600003
More patrolling is required during the nights as well as lean hours. Alot of gangsters roam around freely. if this is not controlled then Citizens would have to arm themselves. This again leads to lack of Manpower in the forces.
How many women lost his Jewels in the streets & in their homes last one year?
How many Senior citizens lost their Jewels in their homes last one year?
How many Senior citizens lost their life in their homes last one year?
How many women are Sexually robbed in the streets & in their homes last one year?
If the figures are Zero with out manupulation of records, then the prformance of Police is Excellent. Othervice the effeciveness of Police is Zero.
The traffic scenario is not so bad but the activities of traffic police is horrible. I never saw any police in roads to manage traffic when traffic will be hanged but most traffic police involved in bribe.
Because we all live in Chennai, we feel the services are poor. Kindly go to Bangalore or Hyderabad or New Delhi stay there fpor some time and come back. We feel we are in heaven.
It is unfortunate that the local government dolls out the amounts on free bees. Hence they are not in a position to add additional forces/people as payment of their salaries becomes difficult. Still the police personnel do their level best tp ke3ep the city in order.
The current traffic management is very bad in Chennai city. Most of the signals do not function. Many time in such places there is no traffic police to regulate the traffic. It is chaos and the traffic gets blocked for long period.The traffic block at Vijayanagar, Velachery junction is terrible.

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Links given in Rating comments part where many people been cheated by these cons (since so long!!) are mentioned. I doubt TN Police knows about them and purposely supporting else how come cheating can be so easy? Atleast I have seen they are not supporting by any means to the victim.

A group of people Chennai resident having bank account of Chennai Velachery taking money online and not providing service. Not responding after taking money. Lodged complaint to Chennai Police Ref No RCP1705391 online as I am currently in Orissa.
This is a clear case of cheating by a person residing in Chennai and having bank account there in Velachery where I was asked to transfer amount (Bank transaction screenshot also mentioned in below mail). I believe law and order is same for all in our country and lodging complaint with proof online is enough irrespective of victims location. Earlier I faced similar case 6 years back and MP Police helped me to get my money back so I don’t think it is mandatory to lodge the complaint with local police. Later I received call from Police saying I need to raise complaint with Orissa Police. The cheating case happened online and we get transferred frequently hence lodged the complained with all proofs (Email and bank transaction detail). It is very unfortunate that people from Chennai are cheating others and TN Police is just waving hand by asking to lodge complaint locally.
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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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