Sri SN Mittal' s Great Social Concern

There has been increasing status in unmarried Boys and Girls which stands not only unpleasant but also become problematic if it is continued . A year or after , the S.C. like in the case of Gender inequality may advise Executive and becomes necessary “ like the call for BETI BACHAAVO ; BETI PADHAAVO “. It is necessary to precise this issue in terms of the “ Universally Accepted principle of Marriage and Family “ for a Safe & Secured living method for any Gender . Particularly , there were Social Reforms for remarriage to Widows and , the Diversed Women just at the Concept of Safe and Secured Life Lead of Women .
Basic issue for marriage is the Age that builds birth giving capacities besides maturity , understanding and possess physical fitness to live and lead as a Couple . This Scientific recognition is upheld by even the SUPREME COURT headed with 2 Judges Bench had awarded full rights to a 16 years Minor lady to give birth in 1993 as notified in the Hindustan Times on 3-12-93 where they confined “ The Court accepted that Sashikala was a minor but did not agree with the petitioner father, that the delivery in the case of minor’s was frought with dangerous medical consequences. ‘ The younger the mother ; the better the birth “ the Judges said . Further the bench held that “ in the case of a mature and understanding minor the opinion of the parent or guardian was not relevant . “
Humanity , Morality , Goodness alone warranted Universal Human Rights within this Orbit . The Age of 14 is also Universally recognized to be matured both physically and mentally . Children , Women , Old Aged were addressed with different preferences , assistance in our Constitution . The increasing Cost of Living, insufficient & inadequate employment Facilities amidst the Cost of Education and the lust for Education postponing Marriage beyond excessive marriageable Age BECOMING OBSTACKES while the T.V. and international effects have been motivating the youth towards individualism more preferable than the marital life . Some T.V. Serials indeed adversely effecting the Indian concept of Marriage and Moral bindings .

If a 16 years old was empowered by S C to take such decisions, then it is not clear why laws can not be amended to incorporate such decisions? Was it allowed only as an exception, Sharmaji? more  
Individual Rights vested in Article 19 empowers subject to conditions of Article 21 is the concept in that Case. more  
There is need to amend our IPC as well as CIVIL Laws that will bring in Safe and Secured pleasant carry in the present atmosphere of Society . Please Opine. more  
Academic education for Graduation takes 21 years of Age . Generally those go beyond 3-5 years in both Male & Female , Matches at 23/25 years become hard enough to find. Keeping away from origin/locality and community necessitating Matrimonial Assistance for which the time, interest & efforts put by the Parents and Close relatives is lapsing . So, Marriage before 21 for Females is the best accessible . Those who are interested in double graduation like Lawyers , ACAs, Engineers, IAS, IPS etc., and , Medicos , PHDs, the issue of Marriage becomes the Secondary naturally . more  
Below 14 are Children ; then Youth upto 30 years Age ; thence 30 years is Operating/ Performing Age ; 60 above is Old Age & have based Duties . Neglect on Naturally Scientific phenomena even at Individual Option or Desire , cannot subsist the Qualities , Energies both Mentally and Physically also . The preference given to Children in tender Age in our Constitutional article 51 A and the S.C. comments in AIR 1992 SC 1926 ; Conditions capped on Divorce , kartha / Family Head crowned at Will on his properties ; System of property Distribution and declaration of Family in Ceiling Acts ; ARE AT THE SAFETY MEASURES in practice for Safe , Secured , Moral Duties under the Family . Sri Rao' s Report of 1949 is to be fully studied to understand the right way of Family in India to be followed as prevailed . more  
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