Spices Safety Survey

Though fssai has come out and said that spices sold in domestic markets dont have ethylene oxide carcinogens issue (6 tests awaited) the problem is credibility of fssai as an institution.


Its licensing process is corrupt and broken and till they fix that businesses who have paid their way in and pay for ongoing audits will keep crossing the line.

Just look yesterday paan with fire caused a hole in a girl’s stomach.
Who approved such a dish, who gave the restaurant a license to serve such so called novelties.

Fssai simply cant turn the other way and say state food inspector was supposed to.

In public health default is safety. In India default is unsafe and if you go to 4-5 star then u pay for safety. This must change more  

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Sudarshan Venkataramanan Because for 70 years India and Indians have lived with socialist policies and can not see beyond government solutions. When you take it from tax payers and give it to someone for so called free as any government can and will do is socialism. If people get out of their bubble and go see the reality in small rural areas, they will see. Why do we have contaminated food full of pesticides and chemicals? It is because we are over using it. Why are they doing that? Because it is so called FREE. I am just stating the facts that you don't like and attach the messenger. more  
These charges are not new. Indian business has been focused on profiteering and such things have been noticed for decades. Sub-standard medicines, defective goods, adulterated grains and foodstuffs. Some of our busineess houses will go down to any level just to make profits. This has nothing to do with farmers subsidy as someoen has pointed out. This is a result of crass way of doing business and greed. We do need strong regulatory mechanisms and strong punishment to such businesses who indulge in such practices. FSSAI has to go beyond mechanically issuing certificates and get down to serious business of monotoring anbd regulating food safety. We need to better global standards if we want our country to be a preferred supplier. Even small instances of infringement are anti-national acts and must be treated as such. more  
I have said it again and again in related and with this topic, Indian government had given free pesticides to farmers since congress vote bank formula came into play. So called free (paid by the taxpayers) chemical pesticides and fertilizers are given to farmers. This is so harmful to India since many farmers misuse the chemicals. This is the major cause of food contamination in India. more  
For every question, you have a standard answer that revolves around socialism, Congress government, doing away with regulation and questioning/doubting any objective feedback. In that case why even have any government? Is the government there only to glorify some fellows and pay salaries to a bunch of scoundrels, plunderers, lazy bumpkins and sloth babus? By the way, farmers have never been given free pesticides. Most of the contamination is not from farming but from storage of produce in warehouses/cold chains and fumigation at the time of export, especially at ports. more  
First thing I would not believe what Hong Kong government, that is part of China says about Indian spices. more  
If every human acts in a human way and be a human, such issues will never happen in any field. But unfortunately, that's not the case. Knowing fully well that nothing can be taken with by the individual at the end of his/her life, all misdeeds happen without knowing their impact in the society. Old adage says Money means, even the dead body will open its mouth. So amazing wealth/money by whatever means is the only goal of every human & hence everything has been commercialized. Hope the new government would put an end to this nuisance at a very fast pace. more  
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