Railways maintenance needs to improve

This attached is a normal scene from the general coach of Indian Railway. People are crammed and stacked up like logs, surrendering the basic dignity of a citizen.

AC coaches are somewhat maintained while non ac and general coaches, where the poor travel are completely neglected. In a low income country like ours the poor cannot even expect the bare minimum.

A responsible State should invest in developing basic infrastructure which could ensure minimum dignity to the common people. more  

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I also agree, coaches even in second AC also needs maintenance, I was travelling from Varanasi to Udhana, 9ht March-2023, it's coach was shaking like any thing. After complaint also it could not be rectified. more  
now a days even AC coaches are not cleaned. travelled by 20938 DEE- Probundar exp on 13 April 2023. Even first AC coach was dirty--not even removal of used cups. Staff at Delhi Sarai Rohilla could not locate the safaiwalla and coach attendant was missing. Whom to complaint now and have problem solved before start of train? more  
It's correct . in Indian railways cleaning must be improved. more  
Recently I traveled in 3 AC to Ujjain from Delhi on 31 st March Intercity express. In night when lights were switched off a rat came out and moving all over.Earlier occasion I have seen cockroaches in other coaches. On Apr 27, 2023 11:00 AM, Ruchika L Maheshwari wrote: more  
It is not only in unreserved general coaches but reserved 2nd sleeper coaches passengers suffer same fate during holidays. As far as maintenance of general coaches and 2nd sleeper coaches are concerned Railways are not always at fault. Most of passengers travelling in general coaches are illiterate and have no sense of cleanliness or civic sense. I have seen passengers occupying toilet and refusing to vacate in case someone want to use it. They get subsidized ticket but still don't bother to keep clean. When they board reserved 2nd sleeper coaches the occupy entrance and space around toilets thereby making it difficult for valid ticket holders to use toilets. Using toilet and leaving it dirty is their birth right. Many times I have come across people buying waiting list tickets from counter and occupying seat/berth and creating problem for other passengers having reserved ticket. Making noise, playing loud music on mobile even during dead of night. The list of grievance is long. Blaming Railway by posting a picture is not fare. First of all you travel in general coach / 2nd Sleeper coach then you will understand. Now even with connivance of TTE 3rd AC coaches are not spared. Some times during night passengers board AC coach and occupy passage for a night journey. more  
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