Qualifed but Unmarried

In last 3-4 years I have been in Bangalore, I have come across atleast 6-7 families where there are qualified unmarried girls in age group of 28-35.

In some cases, the women are well employed, looking for a partner, in some cases they aren't even looking. In 2 cases they are qualified, unemployed and looking to get married.

My worry is with the new age jobs, this phenomenon will only continue to rise. Most of the girls dont seem to understand their parents perspective who worry greatly about them.

We generally discuss governance issues, but this is important social issues. Could we discuss how this important social issues have a solution?

Please consider this as a request for discussion from a 65 year old who is seeing a big concern the way our society is going. Companionship is very important in later years and the bond of a good marriage greatly helps in later years after 60. more  

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Qualified girls get higher salaries, as they are sincere in their interviews and there are fewer girls in high paying fields. Boys fail interviews as they over commit their achievements, and also end up getting lower salaries. The salary disparity between unmarried boys and girls is the reason. Why girls get paid lower salary after marriage, but men after marriage get paid higher than women is because men have higher responsibilities after marriage. If this paradox is understood in a 'as is where is ' basis, then it will be smoother for families to support the marriageable boys and girls. more  
This is not a new trend. Even in earlier periods, say, 50 or 100 years ago many girls & boys used to remain unmarried either willingly or being circumstantial scapegoats, without adversely affecting our societies. Unjustified ambitions and idleness on the parents' part to find out suitable brides/grooms at the proper age are responsible for majority of such cases. However, the purpose of raising the issue in this forum is not clear. Does the author intend the Local Circle to introduce another circle only to discuss at large on this issue and even if it is done, how it is going to help the parents of such over aged unmarried children ? more  
Former actress Raageshwari Loomba states that the current societal and legal situation is pro divorce and anti marriage. It is harmful for both - men and women. One needs to make marriage laws pro marriage and also empower both men (through a ministry for men) and women (through education). https://m.timesofindia.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/former-actress-raageshwari-loomba-roots-for-a-national-commission-for-men/articleshow/61410578.cms? more  
Best Humanitarian & Moral Statute she realized . Universal Safe concern for Men & Women is also the same. more  
" Companionship is very important in later years " is the Soul of Marriage for a Secured Family while "65 year old who is seeing a big concern the way our society is going. " is the effect of Rule that created inevitability on one side and the external culture that increased individual aspires on the other side . Of course , these are only in Cities and major Towns and need to arrest its carry in the balance 90% area in the Country . Sri SN Mittal opted this post at the great concern on the dangerous issue that shall not continue for a carry in any Country that cares Safe, Secured, Peaceful and Pleasant Life-lead both for Men and Women . The burdened governments with upheld individual rights have to prefer the other side of the very same at the interest of the Society as a whole . This necessity was in 1995 itself recognized by the Supreme Court of India which even in 2016 advised for working out the implementation of Uniform Civil Code . We are also to re think the concern of 14 years ; though not at the follow of ancient direction of Swami " Vishvaa Mitra " but also in realization of the Universally confined Age of 14 years that brings in , builds up and befit the naturally prolific energies in Human Beings . This Natural Human Status endows the natural caliber not only physically but also mentally . This is why , there is the commonly used the word " Teens " . This Teen age had its multiple importance for the all inone growth of individual qualities that are bound in Human Beings especially . Any neglect of this and on this, cannot sustain the requisite qualities of being socially , morally , ethically balanced . Conclusively , the living away from Family atmosphere even at the concept of Education elsewhere or job else where being away from Family/relationship atmosphere , cannot maintain the values those exist in the Family atmosphere . And thus , the Age to read and learn , the Age to be married or not , the Age to Educate and become a Scholar , ALL ARE TO BE WITH IN THE NATURALLY SET HUMAN MANDATE . Hence, it is necessary to think on this Vital issue which Sri S. N. Mittal opted for a better generation . more  
Let us not worry about matters of which we neither have control nor influence.It is for an individual to decide whether to marry or not when to marry and whom to marry. more  
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