Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna Corruption

There is massive corruption taking place under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna in rural area and the functionaries in Central Government are as clueless as they have been historically.

A villager without a house gets 1.5 lakhs from Govt, 1.2 lakhs for building it and 30,000 for labour expense. In 80% cases it seems the sarpanch pradhan or village head takes a cut of 10,000 - 50,000 based on awareness of end recipient.

With an outlay of 25000 crores a year if 20% is going in corrupt hands that is 5000 crores a year going to such middlemen.

You need such localcircles badly at rural level so ppl can report this corruption. And surprising none of the rural development ministry officials have found ways to save guard against this.

Is this transforming india or looting india? more  

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There should be no system of cash disbursal in the name of house construction. The eligible candidates should be handed over with a duly constructed house. The responsibility of construction can be given to any reputed construction company selected on tender system. Under no circumstances there should be a system of cash payment. Though the government is aware as to what happens in the event of cash disbursement under any scheme and itself had introduced the system of disbursal of subsidies through the beneficiaries' accounts only to keep the touts away, how the blunder of disbursing the money under housing scheme, the amount of which is several times larger than subsidy, could take place is a matter of investigation. Will the government look into the matter and order an investigation to ensure that the concerned government officials do not have their hands in glove with the touts in any way and at any stage! more  
This is how UPA thrived by this system such that the rank and cadre of congressis looted money while the main leaders looted in lakhs of crores. There should be direct credit to the end user and not through middle men more  
The amount must be directly credited in bank of the villagers. more  
I understand that direct credit to accounts of individuals, opened under Jan Dhan Yojna, has helped curb corruption to quite an extent. If funds under PM Awas Yojna are also routed thru' such accounts, it should help curb corruption under this scheme as well. more  
Unless District Administrations incorporated with Union Authority under District Development Councils , many provisions get manipulated and corrupted taking advantage of the acute paucity in Rural Areas for Food to Life and Lead . Lack of Central Government access and control in Vigilance and Investigation also is the root cause for many diversified interests of Area Political Power . more  
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