Mr. Modi’s resolve will take him through

As Mr Modi has now taken a decision to fight against the black money holders and cannot look back, Modi government is now facing a great challenge. The government cannot afford to allow a situation to develop, where the demonetization drive would end half way or fail to yield the type of positive results that are targeted.

The opposition politicians and the black money holders are likely to become increasingly aggressive and use variety of methods through media to spread an impression amongst the people that Modi government has failed.

As Mr.Modi is now taking an aggressive stand, fear is now haunting the black money holders that he would not spare them and the law would take it’s course soon.

Inspite of such stress , Mr. Modi appears to be determined to take the fight against black money to the logical end at any cost. While meeting the need to implement his strategies competently with well designed process, Mr.Modi has to take the people along with him even as the opposition parties and vested interests would strive their level best to derail the demonetization drive.

Mr. Modi is bound to succeed in his efforts as the cause is genuine and people want his efforts to eliminate black money and corruption succeed. While the demonetization drive reflects Mr. Modi’s commitment to the cause, his strength of character and determination will take him through.

Nandini Voice For The Deprived more  

सेवा में, माननीय सम्पादक / ब्यूरो प्रमुख/निदेशक महोदय, दैनिक समाचार पत्र / न्यूज़-चैनल & To All Indian Citizen आदरणीय महोदय, 19 नवम्बर 2016 को समय 12.00 बजे,से जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों के ऋण पे निर्णय लेने वाले भ्रष्ट बाबुओं के भ्रष्ट्राचार के खिलाफ एवं अछछे कर्मियों के बचाव हेतु निजीकरण के खिलाफ, एन. पी. ए. करने वाले बैंक में छुपे भ्रष्टों से समस्त भारतीय जनता के जागरण एवं बचाव के लिए धरना प्रदर्शन l कार्यक्रम विवरण आयोजक : आल इन्डिया ह्यूमन राइट्स एसोसिएशन ( एहरा ) दिनांक : 19-11-2016 दिन : शनिवार समय : 12.00 बजे l स्थान : जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली l आपसे सादर अनुरोध है कि उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम के कवरेज हेतु आप अपने समाचार-पत्र / न्यूज़ चैनल की ओर से अपने सम्मानित छायाकार/ संवाददाता / कैमराटीम/ फोटोग्राफर/ रिपोर्टर को भेजकर कार्यक्रम के उद्देश्य को अपने माध्यम से विश्व की जनता तक पंहुचाने की कृपा करे l सादर, हुसैन अहमद 91- 7071056353 Email: more  
u r absolutely right Mr.N.S.V. The opposition and the blackmoney holders are now in a state of shock and consequently in aggressive mood as they r the losers. The public MUST UNDERSTAND THIS and support Mr.MODIJI. This is the DUTY OF EVERY HONEST CITIZEN. Because this move will definitely yield a great result and better future for our offsprings. HATS OFF MODIJI. HATS OFF RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who supported MODIJI. more  
It is necessary to think of replacing 100,500, 2000 with 200 and the existing 50 additional notes fast , giving relaxed SIX MONTHS TIME TO 9 MONTHS TIME which will clear all and meets all . It is better to encourage Opening of Bank Accounts or , linking inevitably the Aadhar Card wherever issued and in other places , the Voter Card . more  
Majority of Opposition parties supports the demonstration but opposed lack of proper arrangements n unrest in general public. Similarly > than 80% public also supported, as per news channels. This is the time to keep an eye on huge expenditure on various occasions. more  
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