Issues with PAN Card: Inputs Sought

Issues with PAN cards were recently reported by some of you in different circles. Some of the concerns were around people having duplicate pan cards. Other concern was real estate developers and jewelers having a set of pan numbers and reporting sales against them leading to tax notices for the real pan number owner.

With this post, we want to seek every issues you have faced with your PAN Card. Once we understand the issues, we will continue the discussion accordingly.

We look forward to your inputs! more  

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This is what we have to pay for. Our ignorance is DANGEROUS. Kare koi bhare koi. Khaye SARKARI bank babu, bharein ham. Scores of lacs of actual NPAs estimated, to be revealed from time to time and govt banks to be gradually bailed out from PUBLIC MONEY who paid direct and indirect taxes and suffering this Demonetization drive to fill the damage caused by the Bank babus by pro quo lending and NPAs. Mallya being the mask under which all the lakhs of crores of NPAs hidden. His is only 9 thousand crores and his assets much more than that worth from which can be covered. Mallya game a part of this NPA Scam. BANKS ARE NOW CASH STRAPPED & NEED CASH, HENCE THESE TYPE TACTICS AS DFEMONETIZATION. "Poora hisab do" drive.. Mallya took only 9 thousand crores, how about Lacs of crores and hiding it under the Bank babus puppet Mallya, to hide this NPAs scam:- सेवा में, माननीय सम्पादक / ब्यूरो प्रमुख/निदेशक महोदय, दैनिक समाचार पत्र / न्यूज़-चैनल & To All Indian Citizen आदरणीय महोदय, 19 नवम्बर 2016 को समय 12.00 बजे,से जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों के ऋण पे निर्णय लेने वाले भ्रष्ट बाबुओं के भ्रष्ट्राचार के खिलाफ एवं अछछे कर्मियों के बचाव हेतु निजीकरण के खिलाफ, एन. पी. ए. करने वाले बैंक में छुपे भ्रष्टों से समस्त भारतीय जनता के जागरण एवं बचाव के लिए धरना प्रदर्शन l कार्यक्रम विवरण आयोजक : आल इन्डिया ह्यूमन राइट्स एसोसिएशन ( एहरा ) दिनांक : 19-11-2016 दिन : शनिवार समय : 12.00 बजे l स्थान : जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली l आपसे सादर अनुरोध है कि उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम के कवरेज हेतु आप अपने समाचार-पत्र / न्यूज़ चैनल की ओर से अपने सम्मानित छायाकार/ संवाददाता / कैमराटीम/ फोटोग्राफर/ रिपोर्टर को भेजकर कार्यक्रम के उद्देश्य को अपने माध्यम से विश्व की जनता तक पंहुचाने की कृपा करे l सादर, हुसैन अहमद 91- 7071056353 Email: PS Main delegation reaching 20-11-16 more  
There will be duplicates of any of the IDs. In fact, we have built photo based de-duping solution for telecom providers to identify people having more than 9 SIM cards or using different names. We found one guy in TN having as many as 59 SIMs from the same provider. The names and the IDs used by the subscriber is different. There is no way for the telecom providers to verify. Now they can use the photo to find duplicates. more  
pan card name is not tallying with aadhaar. So please make a row in the on line application application for change of name as the correct name instead of first name middle name and so on. more  
Start random checks of Jewellers and real estate developers. All of them now a days have CCTV/ check it and verify more  
If you know a person's name & his birth date you can easily get his Pan No from Income Tax website. This methodology is used for getting duplicate Pan Card. The IT website should be suitably amended to curb such misuse. more  
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