Effective Disposal of Clothing - Addl Inputs

Below are the key solutions as proposed by you in regards to Effective Disposal of Clothing for Swachh Bharat. Kindly review and if you have any additional specific inputs, please share

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Swachh Bharat Mission

Effective disposal of clothing for Swachh Bharat
1.NGOs should start collecting old clothes from houses
2.NGO vans could travel to colonies/societies etc. on selected days like holidays and collect old clothes
3.These clothes could then be passed on to child care homes and other needy children
4. Clothes of bigger sizes could be sent to old age homes
5.RWAs could run ‘old clothes collection drives’ in their area with volunteers
6.RWAs should create a ‘donate old clothes room’ in the RWA office and tell people to give old clothes there whenever they like
7.Old clothes in good condition could be given to workers in houses or colony
8. Shopping bags can be stitched from torn jeans/pants or other thick clothes
9. Old bed sheets/sarees can be converted into fancy comforters (rajai) for use in winter and giving it away to poor people sleeping on footpaths in winter
10.Old clothes can be reprocessed/shredded to make cushions in pillows
11.Sweaters and woollen clothes can be reprocessed to make padding in carpets
12.Half used clothes can be converted into wiping pads
13. Merchants and big retail stores can use cloth bags and allow exchange of old cloth with new ones for some discount
14.Even cement companies can play a major role if they use cloth bags instead of plastic bags
15.Small groups of people could convert old clothes to cloth bags and sell it in the market. more  

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B 86788000000077rwqegjiojxk On 27 Oct 2016 12:05, "Swachh Bharat Mission" wrote: > more  
There is a movement called Joy of giving in Chennai and it is more prevalent in the ITES sectors where in they collect all the old cloths, mend it and distribute it through an organization. At present it is done one in a year. If this could be done in quarterly basis, and also done in other business like industries and education, this might work to a great extent. more  
If old cloth buys in kilos, will offer job opportunity to low income people. The cloths can be process and good condition cloths can be distributed to poor people with no cost or re-sales in low cost. The bad condition cloth can be used to make "Godhadi" (protect from cold winter) and distributed to poor people. more  
the main issue in disposing used clothes is logisitics, just like old paper is sold at a clearance rate and recycled or reused in a form suited for resuse, so should used clothes, besides NGOs, the manufacturers should all come together and along with NGOs set up a not for profit business in buying back used clothes and re-purposing them to help those in need. Adopted across villages and towns this would provide a nice social entrepreunership model. more  
Once in 6 months NGo like Seva Bharathi shall collect wash ad send for distribution in Tribal areas etc. Too old cloths can be used in paper industry or in Bio Gas/ power from waste industries. more  
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