Digital India impacted by poor network need action

This is indeed a good subject of survey by LocalCircles.

It is true that post bank charges being imposed on cash withdrawal many of us are using upi payments and it becomes really difficult if you are in basement of some grocery store or mall and there is no network to make online payment.

TRAI should get this fixed or penalise these airtle jio VI at certain percent of their India revenue for non availability of service. more  

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Network Problem is the Service Providers Problem. Nothing to do with UPI. Choose Correct network , not based on Prices & freebies. more  
Reason for Network is known. What is the solution? Cn signal strength be increased? more  
Basement should be strictly for parking only. Any other business done illegally should be set on fire immediately. more  
20 years ago, say from 1998 to 2004 there were very limited 2G mobile towers probably one tower in a district but signal strength used to be very high. We could use mobile phones for voice calls from 10 -15 kilometres away from towers with quite good voice clarity without call drop. then came the so called worldwide propaganda that because of microwave radiation from mobile towers birds are dying and it is causing cancer in human, due to which courts had to order mobile companies to reduce the frequency of radiation (signal strength) up to 90% to minimize the effect of radiation. Today situation is that even within one km range from tower there are frequent call drops and basements areas has very poor coverage for calls then what to say about internet. Today after about 25 years of exposure to mobile radiation there has not been any significant impact observed either on human life or ecology at large. I wonder if the govt. needs to re-think about allowing the operators to increase some signal strength gradually which may help increase coverage in poorly covered areas. I am working in J&K and i have no doubt to say that more than 60% area is poorly covered. And 40% of entire Indian Territory has poor mobile /internet coverage. What about mobile operators may claim about the same. And it is also surprising that govt. may allow to install a mobile tower on roof of a residential building but it may not allow to increase some signal strength. i think a mild increase of signal strength by 10% will increase the network quality significantly. I request local circles to arrange a public poll on the same. more  
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