Management of co-operative societies

Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2
Out of the three basic needs of human being one is a residence. The process of urbanization has been fast due to inevitable migration for bread and butter. Due to increasing civilization in the urban areas the need of the houses to reside is also increased rapidly. In the concept of the modern homes the expectation is not limited for residence only. The expectations like luxurious, full of amenities and delightful residence are included in it. In the concept of the residence, if seems that in addition to more and more facilities the exception like delightful, healthful, civilized, independent surroundings and still the feeling like togetherness has been included in it. It can be easily noticed from the advertisement of Housing Project.
It is the joint responsibility of the managing committee and all members of the society to achieve the goal of Dispute Free Housing Society.Over-riding authority is given to the Managing Committees of housing societies by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act and the Registrar.
It has been observed that this goes down the line up to the Dy. Registrar who generally favours the committee's decisions.
Frauds committed by the committees are mostly ignored.
Members who complain are side-lined, without hearing their woes.
In extreme cases, the member is even faced with the issue of being questioned about his basic membership and rights related to it.
Above all, frauds and mis-declarations, being criminal offences, are excluded from the purview of the police and sanction of the Registrar is required. This is never sanctioned by the Registrar.
What can a member, whose membership is disputed, do, if the Registrar's office sides with the committees? Can he have the right to dispute the accounts or even the formation of the society based on mis-declarations for registration of the society?
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Members of societies

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