Why should used car intermediaries be recognised

There are certain vested interests who are trying hard to get used car selling platforms to be recognised as intermediaries so they can be charging fat commission to consumers. These organisations are using ngos like consumer voice etc. to lobby. Why should two consumers wanting to buy or sell cars not list through OLX or FB market place or whatsapp and go through these “official intermediaries”

And can consumer voice type NGOs please advise if food tests that they do are also all paid and sponsored tests or we can trust them. more  

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Platforms, more so the electronic ones allow for centralisation of data with sales being affected through matching buyers with sellers, using artificial intelligence algorithns thereby affecting process transacting in a matter ultimately getting decentralised. This technology enabled platform, acting as intermediary therefore yields economies, and the used cars are a resource that is better utilised by being shared, over the car's entire life, yielding the best bargain for both the seller and buyer. Fewer cars that still have some year running left, therefore end up getting junked into landfills, thus benefiting environment. more  
Both seller and buyer are benefited by used car intermediaries. more  
Its not the responsibility of the NGO 's who are in consumer protection field.. But you have to understand that there is no guideline for consumers Organisation in India. no one is there to check the activities of consumers or consumers organisation -neither the state government nor the central government.. more  
"Dalal" "broker" "mama" "agent" all are existing in the business world since time immemorial. Like all business they adapted modern methods including what they have learnt from Business Management schools. They also invented new jargons to fool people who got cheated and now cry foul. When one need a product there are many ways to find the product, assess the quality and price and choose what he/she wants. If one does not have that caliber of to find what he wants he should approach an agency who might help/cheat them. Every Indian Citizen have the right to do business with in the frame work of rules existing in this country. What is OLX or FB Market Place? People who experienced will share their opinions in the reviews. Anyway I can not understand why the author wants government to make rules? She should go the authorized dealer to purchase a car or a used car dealer if she like to buy a "LEMON" more  
For your information, "the term 'Intermediary' means a broker, an agent, or any other person, by whatever name called, who arranges or facilitate a provision of a service (hereinafter called the main service) or a supply of goods, between two or more persons, but does not include a person who provides the main service or supplies the goods on his account." is the definition as per the Rules 2(f) of Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012, issued vide Notification No. 28/2012-ST, dated 20.06.2012 as per the CBIT&C-Customs Wing, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, GoI, circular letter No. F. CBIC-20001/8/2021-GST, issued vide Circular No.159/15/2021-GST dated 20.09.2021 in response to representations. I do not understand the purpose of issue of the circular dated 20.09.2021 by the Department under GST Act. I am certainly not surprised to read that certain organisations are using the NGOs like consumer voice etc. to lobby for the 'Dalals' (and, the ngo itself getting a bite). The buyers must make representations to cut off the role of these intermediaries, better known as commission agents, between the buyer and the seller. This is a applicable to the role of property dealers which unduly raises the cost to the buyers. It is likely that such intermediaries will be asked to pay up GST/CGST at the at the commission earned. In fact the Local Circle must make a representation to the Ministry of Finance and its revenue department to demolish the system of intermediaries as this is no way of generating employment avenues. more  
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