VAT is chargeable on the value addition to the product or the service sold to a customer. Restaurant can charge VAT on the food items that are sold to the customer. more
MRP is applicable to packaged items only and not on food served in restaurants.Packaged item means packed not in consumers is prepacked items. Now vat is payable on cost of food and service tax for service component. Service tax is as per rules on 40% of the cost of food and Vat is on the full cost of food as a product on which value is added by the hotel. this means we are actually being taxed double for 40%. The issue came up before the High Court of Uttarakhand in Valley Hotels & resorts Vs Commissioner of Commercial taxes . Honourable Hight Court decided that VAT cannot be charged on the component of 40% on which already service tax has been charged.It essentially means VAT can be charged only on 60% and not on total cost of food consumed. The concerned depts. of Govt. has to clarify this by amending the Rules. In any case once GST comes all this confusion will be cleared as now different States have different rates of Vat. more
we are supposed to be charged VAT only on the cost of food items , service charges are generally added on to calculate final bill . the difference is pocketed by the hotel . this needs to be checked by customer when he is paying bill . more
The way cost of living, inflation, rents, layoffs, fear of pink slips, insufficient retirement corpus, over exceeding medical & education costs are increasing, very soon we are going to witness...
गेहूं की महंगाई रहस्यमय हो चली है. मांग और आपूर्ति की गुत्थी का सिरा ही गुम है. - नई फसल आने के बाद भी कीमतें न घटीं. अगस्त में गेहूं की क़ीमत करीब 100 रुपये/ क्व...
Roll of news channels in TRP era. Same participants, Same hot discussion. No conclusion.Smile on anchors face when participants argue and use rough hot words. What should be standard of T...
To buy a house of 1 cr you need to pay 5% GST,Which is 5L lakhs & stamp duty for registration is around 3 Lakhs. To earn 1cr 8 lakhs you have to pay tax of 38.75 Lakhs (30% + 15% sur...
Many have no option but to borrow and buy real estate. A loan serviced for say 20 years, significantly increase the amount paid towards the property. Now, they no longer have recourse to adjust for...
The Brompton cocktail, sometimes called Brompton mixture and most popularly known as Brompton cough mixture, was originally developed at a hospital specializing in chest diseases. This cough mixtur...
Basic milk price has been increased by ₹4 per litre in Karnataka. The govt says that it is not an increase. They have added another 50ml to the pouch and that this increase is for the addl volume. ...
They are showing random MRPs just to show big discounts. No where in India tomato has MRP of 261/kg and look at these people. Please escalate this to consumer affairs department and essential commo...
Is Listerine Mouth Wash Linked to Cancer? In another shocking news, scientists have found that the daily use of Listerine Cool Mint Mouthwash may be linked to an increased risk of colore...
My health insurance policy is due for renewal and yesterday and i received a call from someone who claimed to be from ICICILombard . The agent confirmed my details and also my policy details which ...
By Sanjit Jha
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