Sanjay, I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Swamy Swarna's description of Reiki is perhaps the most eloquent I have read. Reiki has an intelligence of its own. We are the vessels through which the energy flows. It comes through us but not from us. We are never depleted. If you are looking for healing in any way, Reiki is ideal. It is non-invasive. As my first Master taught, anyone can learn Reiki. Anyone can be a healer. It is not the stuff of Einstein. What Reiki prepares you for is to be that vessel through which the Universal Life force can flow. We do not control the energy. It goes where needed. If we try to guide the energy, it loses its impact, as the place of pain is likely not the source of the illness. As strange as that last statement may seem, the nerves that carry pain can be pictured as a straw. Pinch it in one place and the pain may stay there or it may move somewhere up or down the rest of the straw. I experienced my first Reiki treatment at a healing retreat. The Master told me I had a heaviness around my heart and that I should see my doctor. Now I live in America where science is king and Reiki? So I really thought about it before going to see her. She not only believed me, she found the Master was correct. Reiki also helps in emotional ways. We all carry worries, regrets, feel lost at times, look for the path we should take. Reiki clears the chakras [energy centers] in our body, which clears away the dross we accumulate in life. Slowly things become clearer, we become lighter. Reiki can be taught online or in person. I like the in person approach for at least levels I and II. The reason is simple: When we first place our hands on the person in class who has chosen to go first, we start learning to discern the subtle energies that flow through us. By everyone in class being on the table as the "client," we learn that everyone has a different rhythm, and that the energy coming through us can be strong, subtle, or anything in between. We also must spend the first 21 days after our first attunement Reikiing ourselves. We must be cleared and cleaned. By time we are ready to become a Master, we can take it from a Master/Teacher online. The subtleties are there in our fingers. We now submit to the higher energies. We now humbly offer our services to others. I hope I have answered you questions. If not, or if you want more information, let me know. Barbara more
As far my little knowledge goes...Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. .. In a standard treatment Reiki energy flows from the practitioners hands into the client. The client is usually laying on a massage table but treatments can also be administered on mattresses. Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is allegedly transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing. The traditional Reiki hand positions cover all the important major chakras and quite a few acupuncture points. Traditionally it is also common to give a whole treatment which will take just over an hour and give a very good overall balancing effect. There is no need for the removal of clothes. The Reiki practitioner will during the session place his/her hands on all the positions or in some cases just a few. This is usually very relaxing and beneficial. more
I appreciate and endrose views of Mrs. /Mr. K Subadra Murthy, Prabir Sarkar, Prasanta Misra, Swamy Swarna as a Reiki practioner myself since last 20 years I have experianced it's healing power on me and others A holistic approach & attitude of gratitude is the basic need Pre-qualification to experience the healing power of Reiki but few unfortunately do not have that approach and feelings anyway good luck to them more
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By Sneha Goyal
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