Plantation in India

Now a days it is a prime project of every Govt. but there is need for analysis whether expenditure made on this account is really used for plantation or this project is being used to drain good amount in the system this question comes in the mind because last year in U.P. ,Govt. made a record for plantation in a day but hardly 1 to 2 % may be visible this means either post plantation monitoring was not done or it was assumed that if any question on integrity raised then reply will be more then 98% plantation not remain live due to several reason.If so then this project has very good scope for draining the money.
My suggestion is that area where plantation is proposed common man participation is invited & each person based on their ID 5 plant may be given free of cost for plantation & after a year on successful plantation each may be paid Rs 500 per plantation limited to maximum 5 plants. more  

Why not give ownership of plant to people who plant them in area under their control. They should be authorised to use it as they like. Let Govt handle plants in its area viz. Roadside, Public garden & Forests. more  
I am planning to write a project on tjis in which local population will be partner in the program more  
Good suggestion. It can work. Money can be utilized fruitfully. more  
It is good idea to plant a tree and monitor closely the growth of the plant. more  
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