MCD Corruption

Everybody seems quite keen to rate Delhi Government but why do we not rate the 3 mcds as well and discuss in open every corrupt practive of MCD.

Why central govt cant get their own local netas to observe restrain and deliver results.

Every single political party has failed Dilliwallahas I am afraid. more  

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Rather than depending on inefficient civic authorities and Delhi Government, the RWAs should be given financial help with accountability to do civic services themselves which seems to be the only way to solve the civic problems inside the residential colonies and give only the common road and other common areas to the civic authorities and Delhi Government. more  
Only by saying corruption it bear no meaning this is the local state responsibility to eliminate this ,they have the constitution right to bring desolation once it can come full statehood power why not this some step should be taken. more  
Delhi is in a very unique situation - sandwiched between the BJP at the Centre and in the MCDs, and AAP in Delhi with Municipal Corporations officially under their administrative control. MCDs have inherited corruption ever since its inception, and political leadership has to be blamed for it. The corruption can be checked somewhat through digitisation and total computerisation with strict implementation by authoritative bureaucrats as Commissioners. AAP is also blamed for corrupt practices, but is still better than any other political outfit and should be given another chance with a support for demand of full statehood to Delhi (minus Lutiyans Delhi). more  
When ruling persons themselves are corrupted, why they would ask anybody else for corruption, who soever may be, Mcd, dda, all poloticians more  
Digitization is the way to control in corruption. In this way direct participation of citizens will take place. Reservation in Railway was the biggest corruption and favoritism point in earlier days around 25 years. Now a day by internet we will be able to reform it. Similar pattern can be used in case of MCD matters. We must also suggest the way i more  
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