Loot in India on iphones

IPhone 14 Pro max price in Official Apple store, in Thailand is 45k bhat = INR 1.07 lakh.

Price in India = 1.4L.

Difference of 33k will cover return air-fare.
Why do you take vacation in India? For what? more  

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In fact loot is by all smart phone companies ... max these popular behemoths. In 1-2 years if 50 thousand - 1lakh , 1.54 lakh phones obsolete, battery not available, case not available... so use loot sucking money from system which could have been used for some other useful work developing indigenous industry / social development. Have govt thought what is the prepay calling cost comes to? more  
Ruchika ji, This is India whgere we have to pay hefty taxes for the enjoyment of polticians and all elected people whther it is gram pradhan or any MLA/MLC/MP. Because the number of times they are elected they are paid that mnay number of pensions. Soldiers will not get but these people will defietly get. so indirectly we are paying taxes for their enjoyment. more  
I-Phone, Samsung etc are private companies and I do not see the role of Government in setting the pricing of their products. Cost of labor could be more cheaper in Thailand than India, hence the difference. There could be many other factors which determine the price of a product. It has become a norm to keep blaming the government for whatever happens in our country which does not meet our standard requirements. more  
Why do you want to use such an expensive phone in the first place? more  
Are you not experiencing loot in India otherwise? When a Govt. loots the people why one should expect a better deal? It's the govt. who can tell the truth why there is a such unusual spike in price, no one else? more  
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