Legal and Judicial System Issues – Inputs Required on Solutions

Dear Friends:

Thank you for taking the time to share root causes for the issues with Legal and Judicial system of India.

These are some of the Root Causes outlined by you:
1. Over-burdened lower Judiciary
2. Lack of technological interventions in the process
3. Unavailability of alternative dispute redressal mechanism
4. Lack of proper infrastructure
5. No legal frame work for time bound justice deliverability
6. Large number of obsolete laws
7. Lower conviction rate due to non-professional investigation and prosecution
8. Computerisation of the system hasn’t been done fully yet
9. The reputation of the police department is not good in the eyes of general public
10. Police doesn’t want to file FIRs because then they become accountable
11. Lack of awareness about the judicial system among people
12. Law breakers are allowed to become politicians and they influence judiciary later
13. No limitation to the number of cases taken up per day in lower courts
14. The law is many a times misused by guardians of law
15. A lot of times the judiciary does not have sector expertise related to the cases which hampers/ delays the verdict
16. The accused always has the option of appealing in the higher court
17. Low literacy rate doesn’t allow a lot of people to understand the judicial system
18. Laws are very complex
19. Corrupt nexus between lawyers and judiciary in the lower courts
20. Delay in filing well prepared charge sheet in courts by Police

If there are some key Root Causes missing, kindly post it as a comment to this post. Let us move forward and identify Solutions that will help reform the Legal and Judicial system. The more implementation/action oriented our Solutions are, higher are the chances of Government working on them.

Please provide your inputs at the earliest.

Thank you again for your participation.

Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Bharatiya Janata Party more  

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Appointment of more and more judges in all levels of courts and eradication of corruption in all spheres of Judiciary is the need of the day. People are losing faith in the country's judiciary system. more  
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