Is there any law in India to protect the consumer against just a BAD BUYING EXPERIENCE?

I had posted a concern about the role of mafia in he market place in "Transforming India with Modi" circle. There were more than 100 comments expressing different views on the issue.

Leaving apart all social problems with respect to the existence of mafia in almost every part of our life, the cause for the frustration is the 'bad buying experiences' in the market place. We have observed many times that the environment in the market place is beyond the control of a) Buyer b) Seller c) Government and its regulations. There is a forth element " the hidden hand " which is a root cause of the 'bad buying experience' and in a way they control what we buy, where and for how much?

Is there any instruments with which a consumer can complaint against such experience and get compensated for the same? more  

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Mafias are the products developed by Politicians for their own benefit. Now a stage has come to such extent that even 100 Sankracharya, 1000 Vivekanand and 10000 Pandurang Shashtriji cannot change India. Unless there is strong president system and leadership like Sardar Patel mafias cannot be overcome. To control black money Government should take bold step like changing the currency notes of Rs.1000, 500, and 100 as early as possible and time limit for change must be only 7 days. Don't worry about what will happen to market. If there is a will there is a way also. Mahendrakumar Gandhi more  
A working feedback facility be made compulsory to all the companies including central state government where consumer relationship is there. this will bring all information o the notice of the people who are bothered about the reputation of the company. generally consumers problems happen at lower level when the dealing lower staff is ill informed . I had a celkon mobile which had a problem. I had contacted at service centers at SURAT and VIsakhapatnam.They have taken all my information and photo copies of the bill , even after 2 months they did nothing they didn't even call me. Then I had given feedback in the celkon website which was not interactive. I got a call from the service center in two days. information to senior level will have some impact. more  
Let me give 1 example, I took MTC data card. from the day 1 it is not working as expected and committed by MTC. I raised a request, they did't clear it even after multiple calls. After a week i request them to close at least i will pay total out standing till date. finally statement was generated end of the month. i have to pay it. Because, they did't closed the connection, even after multiple calls. I raised complaint on Consumer and XYZ sites. I feel TRAI is one of the best useless. If have rating system on MTC, I will give rating for MTS. So that some who try to buy it, they will be having some info about MTC. more  
We need come up with rating system, if find any bad experience i will rate for the merchant / product. more  
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