The Consumer Courts have no suo-motu powers to prevent unfair trade practices like Misleading advertisements. Such courts should be empowered in the Rules to proceed on UNFAIR TRADE PRICTICES done by manufacturers as well as Traders.
The commission should function all 12months in a year by posting and filling all the vacancies and no places should allowed to be vacant for more than one week.
At present the Consumer Forum cannot attach properties of those not complying with their orders . As on date for attach the properties of defaulters, the case is transferred to the nearest civil court or DM and the process of recovery is tedious and time consuming. Hence The Consumer Forum should be vested with powers to attach properties of the defaulters. more  

View all 43 comments Below 43 comments
Consumer Court jalandhar gave judgement unfair trade practice in hindware kitchen chimneys two cases but still wrongly specification material is being sold why not bann on hindware kitchen chimneys if lab test is 473 and hindware is writing 820 airflow . our law is very very week needs amendment more  
the judicial system is overloaded with the work immediate appoimtments and opening of more court is the need of the day more  
consumer courts has no suo motu powers for anything. Consumer has to complain for courts to take cognizance. To remove this lacuna Govt is proposing a Central Executive Authority with suo motu powers to regulate unfair trade practices. As is being commented above consumer courts have been functioning as normal courts and this as well as presence of lawyers and adjournments given have contributed to undue delay in disposing cases. The Bill proposes to remove these bottlenecks. more  
I have through an advocate filed a complaint sometime in 2013, it pending case in consumer forum . It is against Apple for not replacing the faulty battery in my laptop. more  
In view of the increase in the number of cases in each sector, let the holidays in courts be reduced. more  
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