There are lot of products which are sold online through web or app, in which products are shown as of some very reputed companies & of good material. But products received by consumers are duplicate or replica of reputed companies. Also the material is different. The web based or app based companies like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal,etc. says that these products are from third party or seller. I myself ordered a blanket from Amazon which states blanket of woollen & of Raymond Home. But the product I received clearly has a label stating it is made of polyester & it seems replica of Raymond Home. more  

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This amounts to cheating. Amazon should clearly show the details of the product. more  
In earlier days the online trading sites/companies used to procure goods from manufacturers/company appointed agents. Now most of these websites have become order processing portals. They receive orders forward it to concerned dealer / manufacturer and in return they collect their commission. Of course they pretend as genuine supplier but in fact they are just order processing portals. It is consumer who faces the music. They usually don't bother or care for replacement / refund etc. Only a few are genuine and help their customers. I have bad experience with some of reputed online business portals and now I take utmost care while placing an order. In the end it is duty of customer to check prices at different websites as well as in local market. Then place order online. more  
I also believe Amazon to be a credible online seller. I have myself purchased Moto 4G+, and separately its back cover and front glass shield, and again separately a data cable. I am satisfied with my purchase with Amazon. I also believe the suggestions of Shri Ramamani Sadasivan to take up your problem first with Amazon directly, with a copy to the parent company Amazon USA will work. Kindly give a fair try. Wish you all the best. Kindly avoid online purchase from not so reputed sellers. more  
People and Manufactures need to adopt services which will enable the consumers to find the fakes. Online companies will have to adhere to such services where consumer can check the originality of the product being shipped to the. is working in this direction and my hope is that this menace will find it's grave soon. No matter who the supplier is, I as a consumer should be able to check the product before buying it. Check and register on more  
Dear Sanjay Shah: In India, online purchase has not taken off much because of " lack of credibility ". People do buy, but- that is only a miniscule portion of the market - which itself could be significant and the Online portals brag about THAT quantum. Now, while indulging in On line shopping - please remember a cardinal rule " NEVER BUY FROM ALL PORTALS " : Restrict yourself to portals like AMAZON, FLIPKART, SNAPDEAL etc only. Even e bay has some DARK SIDE.... Now, having made some rules clear - your current problem with AMAZON. Please take up the matter with Amazon and mark a copy of your correspondence to Amazon USA for their comments. Wait for THREE WEEKS and if no action is forthcoming, DO NOT HESITATE TO SEND THEM A LAWYER'S NOTICE FOR CHEATING AND MAKE USA AMAZON ALSO A PARTY IN THE PLAINT. YOU WILL GET QUICK RELIEF. All The Best....!!.. more  
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