We suffered another fraud by Jet Airlines. We booked airtickets vide PNR Nos. JJMISC and JKWDNS on 31st October 2015. On cancellation of these tickets on 16th Nov. 2015, we were told by the airlines that these were non-refundable tickets and a very minimal amount was refunded. While booking the tickets, it was nowhere mentioned against the fare that this was non refundable tickets. Only after our complaint, the airlines started displaying the fare rules. Can anyone advise, what action we should take to get our proper refund. more  

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when the airlines gets sufficient passengers, it is not proper to charge abnormal charges as cancellation charges. It should be maximum 25% and there should be any charges for cancellation before 24 hours. more  
Normally Airlines display Non Refundables, if applicable, while booking tickets and it is a practice to get it printed on the tickets also. more  
If you are sure that such a condition has not been printed or separately intimated to you, you should immediately sent a registered letter with ack. due to the company showing the shortcomings on their part (not in detail), especially that your have not been informed of such condition. You can wait for 15 days for their reply (which should be categorically stated in the notice that if no reply is received with in 15 days after receipt of this letter). And if they send a reply, we can act considering their reply and if they do not send a reply, please file a case by paying a court fee of Rs.100 in your DISTRICT CONSUMER REDRESSAL FORUM with all supporting documents and claiming the entire ticket amount and other expenses and in addition compensation for the mental agony strain etc. that you have undergone. Any assistance required, pl send me a mail or post it here. more  
I am quite sure it is printed on the ticket that the category is non-refundable. The airline ticketing systems have been disclosing this information for many years now. So please check your booking. I am sure you received a mail or SMS for the same. The details would be in it. more  
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