AquaGuard 0 000
AquaGuard is very known brand and it does purify water with good taste.
3.17 / 5 30 Reviews
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Service is ok. Spare parts are costlier.
nothing worth mentioning except the fact that they keep on giving some lame excuse to replace with a new or better one(latest) in exchange for the one we have & take us for a ride. the filters never last for the said period of time or volume they claim.
Finally, all these water filters are just IRRELEVANT as they are of no real effective use at all for sure. Best is just boil the water & drink,. never boil the same boiled water again. no need of that & one should not frequently heat the same substance again & again for various scientific reasons. water filter theory is JUST A PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR BEING PUT IN OUR MIND AS WE ALWAYS THINK OF FOLLOWING ONLY THE AD FOR IT'S ATTRACTIVE ASPECT BUT NEVER ANALYZE THE BASICS EVEN LIKE nowadays tooth pastes with salt n charcoal doing the rounds but when our grand parents told us to brush with coal & salt we were laughing at their illiterate ghostly behavior. Use common sense & reason enough by checking the details before indulging is the best policy for everything as on date.
exorbitant price, poor follow up, service charge is high

------- Edited on 2015-12-23 -------

The product is good but the service persons try to cheat AMC customers by telling them to unnecessarily but accessories. The company should take note of such activities of its service technicians, otherwise this will spoil the co's reputation.

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New delhi, India
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