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India pathy of treatment of patients
4.36 / 5 11 Reviews
Wonder why, WE don't respect Ayurveda, to include in the insurance medical claims... Pathetic!!!
We don't believe Our OWN system?
Hope Ayurveda is included soon for insurance medical claims. It will sure reduce the treatment costs...
Ayurvedic system of treatment seriously lacks government attention resulting in losing peoples' faith in it. The government should establish modern research centers to be manned by competent scholars to discover effective ayurveda medicines for all kind of ailments including dreadful diseases.

Ayurveda Universities and colleges should have modern equipment and facilities with competent professors to enable them to produce competent practitioners and ayurveda treatment may be future's alternate answer to the allopathy treatment of dreadful diseases.

------- Edited on 2016-07-25 -------

Though India is known as the birth place of Aayurveda, which can do a miracle in the treatment of incurable (by allopathy medicines) diseases, it has been utterly neglected in the modern India. The government should work out a time bound schedule for its revival and popularisation by promoting it as the alternative medical treatment in view of its least possibilities of side effects and its effectiveness in total cure of any ailment.
Ayurveda is our ancient system of healing, since VEDA'S time. Instead-off promoting herbal healing we are simply , blindly embraced western system. but western countries are turning to our ancient healing system and becoming very popular there.
Full fledged research on our ancient system and building brand image, promoting it to the entire world is most important steps required urgently.

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