54% citizens in favour of creation of a Nation Building Account to accept anonymous black money
- • 59% citizens support the idea that a portion of the deposited black money in a district be redeployed for the development of the same district
- • 78% of the citizens surveyed during Oct 31 - Nov 8 had voted for currency discontinuation ahead of Government of India announcement
November 12, 2016, New Delhi, India: With reports of people burning 500 and 1000 rupee notes post their discontinuation by the Government of India a few days ago, citizens of India have come up with a better idea.
54% of the citizens have voted in favour of creation of a Nation Building Account of Government of India which allows anyone to deposit or rather donate their black money with 100% anonymity. The poll was conducted on LocalCircles, the citizen engagement platform that ran the poll on currency discontinuation from Oct 31st-Nov 8th. 78% citizens had indicated they supported the discontinuation and color change of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in this poll. The Prime Minister announced the demoentisation scheme on Nov 8th via an address to the nation.
In addition to enabling the anonymous deposit of black money into nation building account, 59% citizens have supported the idea of a portion of the black money deposited in each district to be made available by Government of India for development of that same district. According to people, such a program could be successful as it will have a local connect and may motivate people to not just burn their black money but donate for nation building or rather district building.
Below are the details of the polls conducted:
# Poll question 1

# Poll question 2

# Original Poll Question (conducted Oct 31 ‑ Nov 8, 2016)

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K Yatish Rajawat- media@localcircles.com, +91-9818311177