While the power outage improves slightly for some Indian households from April to May, 3 in 5 still struggling amidst massive heatwave
- ● As temperature almost hit 50 degree celsius in many parts of India and power outages continue for 3 in 5 households for over a month of heatwave, people demand solutions
- ● Households cite poorly governed and managed power departments, poor supply infrastructure and maintenance along with corruption as top reasons for power outages in their area
- ● 53% households in India never get any notification from their power department/company in advance about power outages

May 17, 2022, New Delhi: India is facing the worst power outages in more than 6 years amid a soaring heatwave and high temperatures across states and UTs due to coal shortage and fuel used in electricity generation in the country. Per media reports, coal inventories are at the lowest pre-summer levels in at least 9 years. Another report said that electricity supply fell short of demand by 1.88 billion units during the first 27 days of April. According to the Ministry of Power, power demand in India surged to a record high late last week, and is set to rise by as much as 8% next month.
Such a shortage is being witnessed at a time the states and UTs have been witnessing a soaring heatwave. The temperature in India’s national capital was recorded at 48 degree celsius. In Gujarat, the rise in temperatures has prompted the government to issue an advisory to hospitals to set up special wards for heat stroke and other heat-related diseases. Several states including Rajasthan, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh are also observing the worst power cuts, ranging from 2 hours to 8 hours. Delhi in April witnessed its peak power demand surge at 6000 megawatt (MW). In Gurugram, the shortage has resulted in 4 to 6 hours of a cumulative power outage. Similarly, Uttar Pradesh has a 3,000 MW deficit against the demand of around 23,000 MW. Andhra Pradesh is facing a shortfall of about 50 million units of power as against the demand. Bihar is also facing a power deficit of 200-300 MW per day.
LocalCircles’ survey released on May 2nd found out that 2 in 3 households in India confirmed facing power outages amidst heatwave and high temperatures. The same survey also indicated that 1 in 3 of them are facing outages of over 2 hours or more each day. The findings also suggest that only 12% of households in India have 24*7 power back up while the rest either have an inverter device or have no backup at all.
As the coal shortages impact supplies amid heatwave leading to a surge in electricity demand, LocalCircles has conducted another survey to understand how citizens across the country are coping with the power outages, and if there was any improvement from April to May. It also sought to understand some of the root causes according to them behind these power outages. The survey received more than 35,000 responses from citizens across 344 districts of India. 63% of the respondents were men while 37% were women. 41% of the citizens were from metros or tier 1 districts, 32% from tier 2 districts and 27% from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.
3 in 5 households in India confirm facing power outages amidst heatwave and high temperatures; 1 in 5 are facing outages of over 2 hours a day
The first question in the survey asked citizens, “On average, how many hours of power outage (from the power deparment/company) are you experiencing each day at your home?” In response, 38% of citizens said they are “Not facing any outage”. However 29% are facing power outage for “Up to 2 hours”, 12% said “2-4 hours”, 5% said “4-8 hours”, 2% said “8-12 hours”. 13% said “Don’t know because we have 24*7 power backup”. 1% couldn’t say. On an aggregate basis, 3 in 5 households in India confirm facing power outages amidst heatwave and high temperatures; 1 in 5 are facing outages of over 2 hours or more each day. This question in the survey received 11,897 responses.

While the power outage improves slightly for some Indian households, 3 in 5 still struggling amidst massive heatwave
Per LocalCircles survey, 34% of households in April said they were “Not facing any outage”. This percentage has increased slightly to 38% in the survey conducted in May. Meanwhile, households facing outage up to 2 hours has increased from 28% in April to 29% in May. On the other hand, households facing outage up to 2-4 hours has decreased from 18% to 12%, and those facing outage up to 8-12 hours has also come down from 10% in April to 5% in May. Notably, the percentage of households who have 24*7 power back up has increased from 6% in April to 13% in May. Overall, while the power outage improves slightly for some Indian households, 3 in 5 are still struggling amidst massive heatwave.

Households cite poorly governed and managed power departments, poor supply infrastructure and maintenance along with corruption as top reasons for power outages in their area
The next question asked citizens about what all according to them are the key reasons for the power outage in their area or district. In response, 22% said “Not enough supply capacity”, 55% said “Poorly governed and managed power department/utility company”, 28% said “Power thefts”, 48% said “Poor supply infrastructure and its maintenance”, 13% said “Hot weather”, 35% said “Corruption”, and 7% cited “Other reasons”. 3% couldn’t say. Respondents were permitted to select multiple causes for the outages in their area. On an aggregate basis, households cite poorly governed and managed power departments, poor supply infrastructure and maintenance along with corruption as top reasons for power outages in their area. This question received 11,943 responses.

53% households in India never get any notification from their power department/company in advance about power outages
One of the issues raised by people in regard to power outages is the need for power departments/companies sharing information in advance which according to many citizens does not happen. Advance information about outages allows people to plan their important tasks and cope with the outages a bit better. The next question asked citizens, “When there is a power outage in your area, do you get notified by the power department/company in advance about power outages?” In response, the majority, 53% of citizens said “They never notify, ever”. 29% said they “Sometime get a SMS/phone call/email”, and 6% said “Sometimes the local power department staff notifies”. Only 10% said they “Always get a SMS/phone call/email”. 2% couldn’t say. This question received 11,673 responses. Overall, 53% households said they never ever receive any notification in advance about a power outage in their area.

In summary, 3 in 5 households in India via this survey have confirmed facing power outages amidst heatwave and high temperatures in the current month of May, with 1 in 5 facing outages of over 2-12 hours a day. In comparison to a previous survey conducted last month in April, the findings indicate that though the power outage situation has improved slightly for some Indian households, 3 in 5 are still struggling amidst this massive heatwave.
Households cite poorly governed and managed power departments, poor supply infrastructure and maintenance along with corruption as top reasons for power outages in their area. Furthermore, 53% of households in India say they never get any notification from their power department/company in advance about power outages.
All in all, a dire situation for people and one that highlights the urgent need for reforming governance in state and local power departments and companies associated with the same.
Survey Demographics
The survey received more than 35,000 responses from citizens across 344 districts of India. 63% of the respondents were men while 37% were women. 41% of the citizens were from metros or tier 1 districts, 32% from tier 2 districts and 27% from tier 3, 4 and rural districts. The survey was conducted via LocalCircles platform and all participants are validated citizens who had to be registered with LocalCircles to participate in this survey.
About LocalCircles
LocalCircles, India’s leading Community Social Media platform enables citizens and small businesses to escalate issues for policy and enforcement interventions and enables Government to make policies that are citizen and small business centric. LocalCircles is also India’s # 1 pollster on issues of governance, public and consumer interest. More about LocalCircles can be found on https://www.localcircles.com
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