As India unlocks fully only 6% Indians believe social distancing compliance is effective in their area/district
- ● 11% citizens had rated compliance as effective in early April followed by the 2nd COVID wave
- ● 69% citizens visited an external indoor space, 73% visited an external outdoor space in the last 30 days
- ● Markets and Vaccination Centers top outdoor and indoor spaces of concern

June 17, 2021, New Delhi: Wearing the right mask and following social distance norms are highly recommended by medical experts as the top defence against COVID-19. Although the daily cases in India have declined significantly for nearly two months, infections in some districts continue to remain on an upward trajectory, particularly in Kerala and Maharashtra, which make up over 50% of total infections reported in India in the last one week. The test positivity rate in as many as 60 districts across India is reportedly at 10% or higher. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently expressed concerns about overcrowding at tourist destinations and markets and about the COVID situation in Maharashtra and Kerala as they have been reporting an increasing number of infections. It can be recalled that the spread of infection was highly concentrated in Maharashtra at the start of the 2nd wave but the impact was later felt all across the country. PM Modi has told the Council of Ministers that there should be no space for carelessness or complacency and directed the ministers to take all possible precautions to contain and mitigate the spread.
As the daily cases decline in India and states continue to fully unlock, many parts of the country are already seeing people without masks, or wearing it on their chin, carrying it in their hands, or putting it inside their pocket instead. During the 2nd wave, the Government of India via its Principal Scientific Advisor issued guidelines that suggest wearing a double mask as a defence to COVID with the highly infectious Delta variant, or the B.1.617.2 causing havoc in most parts of India. With the 3rd COVID wave on the horizon, experts believe that if people don’t follow masking and social distancing norms, it could come in as early as in 4 weeks.
The Health Ministry has stated that there is a 90% risk of infection associated with two individuals not wearing a mask and not maintaining adequate social distancing. The risk gets reduced to 30% if the unaffected person is wearing a mask. The Government advisory also highlighted that those droplets and aerosols are the primary ways of transmission, and aerosols can travel in the air up to 10 meters or 30 feet. This means the virus can quickly spread from a small number of people to a very large population if COVID-appropriate behaviors are not seriously taken.
After thousands of citizen posts and comments were received from across India about the gross violations taking place in regard to social distancing compliance, LocalCircles conducted a survey to find out how people in cities and districts are complying with social distancing norms. Over 32,000 citizens residing in 291 districts of India participated in the social distancing compliance survey. 67% of the participants were men while 33% were women. 48% respondents were from tier 1 districts, 30% from tier 2 and 22% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.
Only 6% citizens feel that there is good social distancing compliance in their area/district/city
The survey asked citizens how people in their area, district, or city are complying with social distancing norms. In response, 25% said there no social distancing compliance at all, while 63% said there is limited compliance. Only 6% said there is good compliance, and another 6% said they have not been out of their home in the last 30 days. This question in the survey received 14,022 responses.

Social distancing compliance levels in area, district or city dropped from 11% to 6% from April to June
As part of the exercise to collect citizens’ observation of social distancing in their area, district or city, the latest survey has found out that the percentage of citizens saying that there is “limited social distancing compliance” has increased from 24% in April to 63% in June 2021. On the other hand, the percentage of citizens saying there is a “good social distancing compliance” has declined from 11% to only 6% in the two months period.

69% citizens have visited an external indoor space in the last 30 days
The following question in the survey asked citizens where they have observed the least compliance to social distancing norms at indoor spaces in the last 30 days. In response, 8% said “hospitals”, 2% said “pathology labs”, 21% said “vaccination centers”, 3% said “office or corporate buildings”, 9% said “malls and indoor shopping complexes”, 3% said “restaurants”, 4% said “airports”, 9% said “trains, buses and other public transport”, and 10% said “other locations”. Further, 31% of citizens said they have not visited any external indoor space in the last 30 days. On an aggregate basis, 69% of citizens have visited an external indoor space in the last 30 days. This question in the survey received 9,553 responses.
Unlocking in most parts of India began in late May or early June with many external indoor spaces like shopping complexes, malls, restaurants, etc. opening up. After having been indoors for almost 45 days, people rushed to such spaces to purchase items of need, avail of a service or simply for a change. Images and videos have emerged from many cities on how malls and vaccination centers have seen a violation of social distancing norms despite guidelines.

Citizens say vaccination centers, trains, buses, malls and indoor shopping complexes amongst top indoor locations where they observed low social distancing compliance in the last 30 days
If the data of just the external indoor spaces is looked at, it suggests that the top locations where they have observed low social distancing compliance in the last 30 days were vaccination centers, trains, buses, malls and indoor shopping complexes.

73% citizens have visited an external outdoor space in the last 30 days
The next question in the survey asked citizens where they have observed the least compliance to social distancing norms at outdoor spaces in the last 30 days. In response, 40% of citizens said “markets”, 9% said “streets and road”, 2% said “railway and metro stations”, another 2% said “bus stops and stands”, 4% said “Government offices”, 14% said “vaccination centers”, and 2% said “other locations”. Further, 27% of citizens said they have not visited any external outdoor space in the last 30 days. On an aggregate basis, the findings indicate that 73% of citizens have visited an external outdoor space in the last 30 days. This question in the survey received 8,337 responses.
Similar to indoor spaces, post unlocking, the major markets saw huge rush in many parts of India and gross violation of social distancing norms.

Citizens say markets are the top outdoor locations where they observed low social distancing compliance in last 30 days
If the data of just the outdoor spaces is looked at, it suggests that markets was the top outdoor location where they have observed low social distancing compliance in the last 30 days.

A few weeks back, LocalCircles had also conducted its mask compliance survey which received over 30,000 responses from citizens across 312 districts of India and below are some of the key highlights from the report.

Experts believe that if India has to delay the arrival of the 3rd COVID wave or reduce its impact, complying to mask and social distancing norms will be the primary driver for it followed by vaccination of as many citizens as possible. In order to make this happen and to get the citizens to continue following the habit of masking, especially as economic activity opens up with unlocking, LocalCircles sought inputs on actions that must be taken and an enforceable mask mandate came out as a top recommendation.
67% citizens say there is limited mask compliance in their area/district/city
The next question sought citizens’ experience and observation of people in their area, district, or city complying with wearing a mask. In response, only 2% said there is “No compliance at all”. Breaking down the poll, 10% said 0-30% of people are compliant, 55% said it’s 30-60%, 23% said it’s 60-90%, and only 9% said more than 90% people are compliant to following mask norms. 1% did not have an opinion. On an aggregate basis, the findings indicate that 67% of citizens say there is limited mask compliance in their area, district, or city. This question in the survey received 8,083 responses.

Mask compliance levels in area, district or city dropped from 29% to 9% from April to June 2021
The last LocalCircles mask compliance survey conducted in April 2021 indicated 24% of citizens saying that there was “no mask compliance at all” in their area, district or city. This percentage has reduced to just 2% in the June 2021 survey. However, the percentage of citizens saying that there is a “limited compliance to wearing a mask” has increased from 43% to 88%. in June 2021 survey. On the other hand, citizens saying that there is a “good compliance to wearing a mask” in their area, district or city has dropped from 29% to 9% in the last 2 months.

32% citizens say there was limited mask compliance at the vaccination center they recently visited
Many vaccination centers are seeing overcrowding with people lining up to get a jab and there has been chaos observed in some locations. In Kerala, the State’s High Court had to take suo moto cognizance of overcrowding at vaccine centers. Following this, the Kerala Government issued an order to stop spot reservations and allowed only online registration for both doses of vaccine. However, it was close to impossible to get an appointment online which led to people continuing to line up for on-spot reservations in an attempt to get the vaccine dose. Many citizens on LocalCircles have pointed out that their family members have gotten COVID a few days after receiving a jab at vaccination centers, indicating the high possibility of some vaccination centers being superspreaders as some people were not even following masking protocols.
The next question aimed to seek a collective response from citizens about how mask norms were being followed at the vaccination center or location when they went to get the vaccine for themselves or took their family members in April or May. In response, 2% said “No mask compliance at all”. Breaking down the poll, 4% said 0-30% people were compliant, 26% said it’s 30-60%, 47% said it’s 60-90%, and 21% said more than 90% of people were wearing a mask properly. On an aggregate basis, the findings of the poll indicate that 32% of citizens say there was limited mask compliance at the vaccination center they recently visited. This question in the survey received 7,999 responses

Mask compliance levels at vaccination centers dropped by 53% from April to June
As part of the exercise to collect citizens’ observation of mask compliance at vaccination centers, the latest survey has found out that the percentage of citizens saying there is a “limited compliance to wearing a mask has increased from 17% in April to 77% in June 2021. On the other hand, the percentage of citizens saying there is a “good compliance to wearing a mask” has declined drastically from 74% to only 21% during the period. This means that overall mask compliance levels at vaccination centers dropped by 53% from April to June 2021.

1 in 2 Indians are wearing masks that provide limited protection from COVID
The Government advisory suggests that double masking, with cloth and surgical masks, can largely prevent the COVID spread. While there has been the introduction of many kinds of masks, it also suggests that N-95 provides maximum protection from the virus. It has become more important to wear effective masks since the SARS-COV2 is more easily transmissible through the air. Many Indians since 2020 have been using cloth masks, some even using ones made at home, assuming that they will provide the necessary protection from COVID-19 while that may not be the case with the new Delta variant i.e., B.1.617.2.

The following question tried to find out the type of mask citizens use most of the time, whether indoor or outdoor. In response, 44% said they use cloth masks, 20% use a surgical disposable mask, 4% said they use KN-95 or W-95 mask, 25% use N-95, 1% said N-95 mask with valve, another 1% said N-99 mask, and 4% said “others”. 1% did not have an opinion. The findings of the survey indicate that 1 in 2 Indians are wearing cloth masks that provide limited protection from COVID. This question in the survey received 9,747 responses.

91% citizens believe State Government should make wearing masks outside of home mandatory if a district has any active cases
Given that the risk of transmission can be reduced to 30% when wearing a mask from 90% for those not wearing masks, the next question in the survey sought to understand if citizens believe State Governments should make the wearing of masks outside the home mandatory if a district has any covered cases. In response, 91% said “yes”, 8% said “no”, and 1% couldn’t say. This question in the survey received 8,346 responses.

Summary & Way Forward

In summary, despite the most lethal COVID wave that any country in the world has experienced so far, India’s mask compliance is extremely low as indicated by the survey findings, with 67% of citizens saying there is limited or no mask compliance in their area, district, or city. Only 32% of citizens say there was limited mask compliance at the vaccination center they recently visited, which is a major concern that requires immediate action to make sure that such centers do not become superspreaders. In addition, what worked in 2020, in regard to the type of masks and the level of protection against COVID may not be holding true with the highly transmissible variants like Delta or B.1.617.2, and hence if 44% of Indians are wearing cloth masks it may not provide them with the needed protection.
Similarly, only 6% of citizens surveyed believe that social distancing compliance is good in their area, district or city. This is of great concern, particularly at the time when experts have warned about the imminent threat of the 3rd wave of COVID-19 to hit India in less a month. As states continue with unlocking, 69% of citizens said they have visited an external indoor space in the last 30 days. Of which, vaccination centers, trains, buses, malls and indoor shopping complexes were amongst the top indoor locations where citizens observed low social distancing compliance in the last 30 days. Furthermore, the survey has found out that 73% of citizens have visited an external outdoor space in the last 30 days. Of which, the market was the top outdoor location where citizens have observed low social distancing compliance during the period.
Per data available with the India COVID-19 Tracker, the daily caseload across the country is already showing an upward trend, indicating that the cases are likely to rise in the coming weeks. While it is true that public places cannot remain closed forever, the COVID protocol of maintaining physical distance, disinfecting surfaces regularly and keeping areas well-ventilated should be strictly followed to reduce the transmission of the virus. All non-essential public places would have to keep these guidelines in mind to provide a safe environment for citizens to come back to. Citizens must ensure their safety and that of others by strictly following these protocols. As most states fully unlock with the opening of malls and markets, media has regularly reported poor social distancing and mask compliance with experts raising concerns about the faster arrival of the 3rd COVID wave. Hence the recommendation of 91% of citizens suggesting that State Governments enforce mandatory masking in all districts with active COVID cases is something that must be implemented on priority with heavy fines for any violation. If the same is combined with community awareness drives on the ground using all forms of media, it will likely lead to improved compliance.
Survey Demographics
Over 32,000 responses were received from citizens residing in 291 districts of India in the social distancing compliance survey. 67% of the participants were men while 33% were women. 48% respondents were from tier 1 districts, 30% from tier 2 and 22% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.
Over 33,000 responses were received from citizens residing in 312 districts of India in the mask compliance survey. 68% respondents were men while 32% respondents were women. 47% respondents were from tier 1, 30% from tier 2 and 23% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.
Both the surveys were conducted via LocalCircles platform and all participants were validated citizens who had to be registered with LocalCircles to participate in this survey.
About LocalCircles
LocalCircles, India’s leading Community Social Media platform enables citizens and small businesses to escalate issues for policy and enforcement interventions and enables Government to make policies that are citizen and small business centric. LocalCircles is also India’s # 1 pollster on issues of governance, public and consumer interest. More about LocalCircles can be found on
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