Much more to implement before Odd-Even rule: Say Delhi Citizens
69 % citizens say odd-even vehicle rule cannot be implemented effectively
61% citizens believe the rule will result in increase in the number of cars
Suggest 10+ things that must be implemented before the Odd-Even rule

New Delhi, India, December 19, 2015 – LocalCircles (, India’s leading citizen engagement platform today announced results of the survey and citizen discussion focused on reducing Delhi’s pollution and the implementation of the odd-even rule.
With over 9,000-10,000 citizens responding to each one of the poll questions, it provides a collective pulse of what citizens of Delhi have to say about the Odd-Even rule and what are some of the other things that must be implemented before the Odd-Even rule to reduce pollution in Delhi. The key findings are:
- 69% citizens don’t believe that the odd-even car rule can be effectively implemented in the current scenario and given all the exceptions
- 61% citizens believe the odd-even rule will result in increased car sales and in the long run, more cars on Delhi roads
- 74% citizens support the ban on registration of new diesel cars in Delhi
- 78% citizens support the ban on registration renewal of more than 10 year old cars in Delhi
- Citizens are split even on implementing this rule in a limited area of Delhi on pilot basis
More importantly, citizens believe that there are a number of things that can be done before the Government must do before it implements odd-even rule. Here are the collective inputs from over 100,000 citizens of Delhi on the subject of immediate actions to reduce pollution:
- 1. All diesel commercial vehicles older than 10 years must be banned in Delhi. Plying of such vehicles from outside the state has to be managed by Delhi Traffic Police by setting up proper checkpoints into entry into Delhi. This has to be done wisely to avoid congestions.
- 2. Delhi Government should work with the Haryana Government to complete the under construction Kundli-Manesar-Palwal by pass on a priority basis. Most of the civil work on this by pass has been completed and it will divert a bulk of traffic whose final destination is not Delhi.
- 3. Delhi government should work actively with UP government for completing Kundli -Ghaziabad –Palwal high the work on which has not even started fully. This is an important by pass and if it is not completed then the Supreme Court’s decision on commercial vehicle diversion can also not be implemented fully.
- 4. A practical suggestion is that petrol pumps should be instructed to check the PUC certificate before giving petrol/diesel. This used to be the norm but is not followed by petrol pumps.
- 5. Delhi Police should impound vehicles having dangerous level of pollution.
- 6. Open burning of garbage, dry leaves, rubber, synthetic clothes etc. should be made a criminal offence with a fine of Rs. 5000. Any one booked thrice for same punishable act to be liable to imprisonment for 30 days or a fine of Rs. 50,000 or both
- 7. Cleaning of roads with brooms should be stopped and mechanized cleaning should be deployed to prevent the dust from spreading in the air
- 8. Open trucks carrying construction material should be banned. They should be strictly asked to cover them so dust does not fly outside
- 9. Construction sites should be ordered to cover themselves from all sides and heavy penalty should be imposed if not covered.
- 10. Permanent rain guns/sprinklers should be installed to keep top cover of all landfill sites within NCR of Delhi moist to prevent dust from flying around
- 11. Mist nozzles/water sprinklers should be mandatorily fitted on top of commercial buildings to spray water for 15 to 30 minutes before sun rise to enable the particulate matter to become heavy and settle down
- 12. Bursting of Crackers/fireworks in private functions should be banned.
Poll#1 - Do you believe the Odd and Even number cars program can be effectively implemented in Delhi?

Poll#2 - Do you believe the Odd and Even cars program will result in increased sales of cars in Delhi?

Poll#3 - Do you support the ban on NEW diesel cars in Delhi?

Poll#4 - Do you support the ban on registration renewal of more than 10 year old diesel vehicles?

Poll#5 - Will it be better to try the odd-even plan in limited areas for limited time as a pilot project to begin with?

About LocalCircles
LocalCircles is India’s leading citizen engagement platform that connects citizens at local, city and national level to participate in governance and make their urban life better. LocalCircles has more than 1,000,000 citizens connected on it across the country. All data and poll results are an exclusive copyright of so please give due credit.