“What 30,000 citizens of India collectively want their Government to focus on? ”

Immediate Term Priorities:
1. Curb inflation/price rise
2. Fast-Track clearance of criminal and civil cases
3. Fast Track clearance of pending infrastructure projects to create jobs
4. Start National Corruption Report Line and a related Task Force
5. Repatriation of illegal funds stashed abroad
6. Improve disposable income by increasing exemption limits/deductions
7. Connect and Engage with citizens at a national and a local level
8. Create a Response Centre for all Government Websites Queries
9. Customer Service Training for citizen facing agencies. Ex: Police
10. Performance Management System for Government Employees

5 Year Term Priorities:
1. Improving Accountability, Transparency and Fighting Corruption:
2. Making Doing Business in India Easy
3. Strong Anti-Terrorism/National Security Framework
4. Women and Child Safety and Empowerment
5. Drinking Water and Food for all
6. Staying Connected with Citizens
7. Establish legitimate electoral fund raise mechanisms
8. Spur Jobs Growth
9. Create Hygiene/Sanitation Infrastructure and Civic Awareness drive
10. Education Reforms

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